Pet Hates

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Car drivers that deliberately narrow the gap when you are filtering in slow moving traffic.

    Stupid messages on motorway info signs

    60 limits reduced to 50 with a sign that say's New limit for your safety
  2. Drivers who are too lazy to indicate on roundabouts, so everyone is left guessing where there going. Drivers who can't be bothered to use the HAND BRAKE when at lights
    or in queuing traffic and just sit on the brake pedal so the driver behind is blinded by lights like as though the fog light is on. It's not hard just fu**ing lazy use the HAND BRAKE
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  3. Hold on there. Some cars e.g. my Mercedes don't have a hand brake. They have a foot operated parking brake which is unsuitable for momentary stops - it is just that, a parking brake for parking. Lazy has nothing to do with it.
  4. What about kicking it into neutral then
  5. Your point was about using the brakes, which I responded to. Have you now switched to talking about using the gearbox? So what are you trying to say?
  6. All i was saying was about brake lights blinding the car behind, it's not nice sitting there waiting and being dazzled by the car in front. After all the thread is about
    pet hates. Nothing personal
  7. This drives me effing bonkers! How many motorway info speed advisories have you seen indicating 30mph when there's absolutely no hazard at all?!! 5 miles down the road you get the all clear having seen no problem at all. End result is I COMPLETELY ignore motorway speed advisories which is surely counter-productive. I would say 65% of the time, they're complete bollox!! Sort it out FFS!!
  8. Mercedes cars that don't have hand brakes. (And the people who try to defend them :tongue: )
  9. You are lost so you decide to ask someone directions, of all the people you have passed, the one you have asked is always the one not from that area.

    Then again you also get the one that ponders for a while and sends you half way round the world.

    I hate the saying -- 'GOING FORWARD' ( well f**k off then )
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  10. when stuck in traffic going nowhere, people who insist on playing high tempo, hard core dance music and give us the benefit of their appalling taste by winding the windows try hard and so tragic..300 bpm in stationary do they stand the tension??
    its like theyre screaming..'I'M A TWAT"..
  11. I'm surprised you can get your pet hates in one post Funky.

    Must try harder!
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  12. People who invade my personal space. Don't fooking touch me or break through my invisible white picket fence I have around me!!!!
  13. Don't take the Tube in rush hour, Troy!

    Which reminds me, one of my biggest pet hates is people on the Tube in the rush hour who don't take their rucksack off. They normally also are pretending to listen to an iPhone ( impossible on the Tube). Then they bob around to the music oblivious as their rucksack pings about in your face?

    You know what?
    That makes me mad!
  14. When my flat mates tell me the kitchen sink seems to be blocking and then tip a bowl of cereal down it. Good job fuck tard :upyeah:
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  15. Walking along a nice quiet road not seeing a car for ages, get to a junction to cross and guess what? Yep fecking cars everywhere. Why is that? Why does the mere fact of there being a junction there exponentially increase the likelihood of a car showing up just when you want to cross the road. Why eh. Why?
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  16. I agree, but can be offset by some creative graffiti.

    For several years on a long fence on a hill to left of junction M40 southbound onto M25 'Why do I do this every day'. Made me smile early Monday mornings slogging into London.

    Also "Brian, come home now, your dinners ready" in huge white letters on a motorway bridge (possibly somewhere in Yorkshire).

    And to keep the tread on track - people who push to get in lifts and on trains etc before people have got out.

    And most of the ones listed in this thread...
    #96 Mr Bimble, Feb 5, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
  17. On the A12 for years someone had planted a load of daffodil bulbs to say someone loves someone.
    Every spring this big message in flowers would appear.
    It made a lot of people smile .

    Must have taken the chap ages but what a sweet man :)
    sadly I think the bulbs must have either spread or rotted because for the last couple of years nobody seems to have seen it.

    People who push you in the back continuously when it is quite evident the que is not moving or going to !
  18. UNBELIEVABLE used much to often, Guy Martin said the only thing he'd call unbelievable would be a man eating his own head, now that would be unbelievable.
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  19. Water left on the draining board, even though we have a dishwasher.
    Empty cups of tea left in my office.
    Coats and bags left in my office.
    The wife emptying the kitchen bin only to leave it outside for me to take down to the bin.
    Half a glass of wine left in a bottle kids not flushing the toilet or putting the lid down.
    Fingerprints left on the IPad screen.
    People who are late.
    And the worst of all

    BREAD CRUMBS...........:mad:
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  20. Ahhh a Performance Bike reader me thinks :upyeah:
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