1260 4000 Miles 1260 Update

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Groundhog, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. I have the same as you plus the spacers. Having tried a number of options, and as I said in my OP I think it's as good as I'm going to get it. I have no buffeting, just some wind noise.
  2. I’ve just ordered the spacers. Tbh il be pretty happy if it only improves a little. I found the carbon screen on with my gt air but really bad with my AGV Corsa helmet. Hopefully with the new screen and spacers il be able to wear any helmet I like without wind noise and buffeting.
  3. 2000 miles on my 1260 have to say this is the best one I have and I'm on my forth, I don't really suffer screen nuisance and I have run with pp screen on last three multistrada. Find the new 1260 motor significantly better than previous dvt the extra torque makes a big difference. I find handling wise the 1260 takes just a slight more rider Imput to make it turn but very stable when leant over. Finish good on this bike and as with others no faults apparent. I must say a huge improvement can be made by coming down a tooth on the front sprocket not so much at higher speed in taller gears but really good when riding steady in built up areas or really slow manoeuvring just gets rid of that on the cusp of stalling moment, it should come out of the factory that way but I suppose it's to make it comply with shite euro emissions rubbish as with strangling the exhaust etc etc .
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  4. I am coming up to my 600 miles first service. I am enjoying the bike although there are some complaints.

    1. The screen. I replaced the stock screen with a Puig. It is better around the head, but my upper arms get a lot of wind blast from around the sides of the screen - I think worse than the OEM screen but better because of the reduced buffeting at head level.

    2. The seat isn't too bad but I have ordered a comfort seat as the original isn't going to be great on long journeys.

    3. The fueling at low throttle openings, such as when closing the throttle for a tight corner, is much too "notchy" with strong engine braking kicking in suddenly. It reminds me of the early days of a BMW K1600 I had, the first Beemer with a fly by wire throttle - it was dire and in the end caused me to get rid of the bike, although a few months later they came out with some software updates that improved things apparently. The fueling on my BMW GS Adventure was always smooth as silk.

    4. The rear brake is currently my biggest concern. It is virtually useless - less effective than on any bike I have owned. If you had asked me before I got this bike, I would have said that I hardly used a rear brake. Not actually having one makes it plain that in fact, I use it a lot. And yes, I know they are linked brakes but that doesn't excuse it.

    5. As soon as Evotech make some more weighted bar ends, I shall get a pair - at present, the bar vibes become unpleasant after about 80 miles.

    6. I found the rubber footpeg inserts annoying as being quite proud of the peg; they made the peg feel narrower and created pressure points on my feet. Having removed them and now having ridden in the rain, I find that the bare metal pegs are rather slippery. I shall try some other pegs with sharper teeth.

    The engine and gearbox have loosened up a good bit and feel much better than they did initially. The suspension seems to work well although I have yet to explore the effect of altering settings on anything. Thus far, I have basically just left the bike in touring mode while riding a wide variety of roads (fast, slow, hilly, curvy etc.). There is plenty of torque and power and the bike handles very well.

    I have become more confident riding the bike as I get to know it better and it is certainly great fun and a pleasure to ride.
  5. The severe engine breaking and general smoothness improves dramatically after a few thousand miles. Evotech already make bar ends that fit the 1260. Just order the one's that are listed for the Enduro. They fit.
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  6. where can i buy those spacers
  7. Please

    See post 19 on this thread
  8. I got mine via eBay
  9. @Jamie 85 - slightly off topic... just wondering what did you use to insulate your garage door?
    It’s a neat job.

    Just collected my 1260 PP and already easier to select neutral.
  10. Me???
  11. Good thread.
    I have just got my 1260s and agree with the pro's and cons stated on this thread.
    My biggest problem was the screen. At just under six foot the buffeting and wind noise were too excessive. What's more my wife said it was unbearably on the back. Which isn't any good when I am trying to get her to go touring !!
    So just fitted the MRA Vario screen and just ordered the spacers as mentioned here.
    So hopefully it will improve.
    The wind on the arms was a problem I was also experiencing.
    Seat comfort was another issue so looking at http://www.sussexmotorcycles.com/elite-comfort-motorcycle-seats.html
    They use memory foam so will give it a try.
    Anyone out there used the Touratech Screen ?
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  12. Touratech one looks interesting... almost standard look - but with a different shape..
  13. Word of warning regarding the spacers. The standard issue spacers won’t fit the MRA screen as I found out today. Luckily Jamie is a really decent guy and is going to swap them for a kit that works with the MRA screen.

  14. Hi,
    I agree with you on the seat, Not sure why because it looks the same as my previous 1200s. But the seat on the 1260 is not as comfy, I found after 200 miles my behind is starting to smart.

    Could you tell me a bit more about the Corbin seat?
    I had a search online and saw their site, however it looks like the seat for the Multi is a one piece seat, is that right?
    And if so how easy is it to remove and put back on?
  15. Yes it's a one piece and a piece of cake to put on and off. It just slots in at the front the same as the stock seat and the rear clicks in at the same place as the rear stock one. I bought mine and found it very comfortable, much more so than the stock seat, but it raised the seat height a bit too much for me so I sold it and now have another one on order which they are lowering 1 inch and also making it a bit more narrow at the front. Great quality too.
  16. Thanks for the heads up. Just e mailed him
  17. Nice! Great job
  18. Have a 1260 Pikes here in Ireland, new tyres after 4000kM , great bike but it sounds pretty limp! Snuffled up by Euro 4 no doubt.... the 'racing' pipe form the dealership is an eye watering 2500 EURO...It already has a nice end can, hoping there's a decat pipe and exhaust valve dongle from Mivv or the like soon...

    Previously had a '13 PP and really didn't like the Sachs suspension, or jerky power delivery so this time I paid the extra for the Ohlins....well worth it! Manual fixed settings but much nicer on our bumpy roads.

    Wouldn't mind if the bars weren't soooo wide + big mirrors and big hand guards through traffic! Am getting tempted to either trim them 25mm or fit Renthals or Rizoma...

    On wind noise ...tried the taller touring screen and the little carbon one that the bike came with... normally I wear an Arai RX7 - new model. With the Rx7, the touring screen was more tolerable on long runs... Then I tried a new Arai Tourex helmet that I use on a dirt bike - a hell of a difference, way quieter and back down to the little carbon screen for 'local' rides...only drawback is the flies! The change of helmet was much more dramatic than the screens ...

    Any tips on decating the PP welcome!
    #40 Bladerunner, Aug 14, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
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