Yeah for sure, I'm mad for a proper firm Handshake, can't be dealing with these queer butterfly formation ones that are rife amongst youth circles.
losing the extension tube on any can of squirt. And out of the thousands of cans i've ever bought why can I never find another one..
Obviously all aspects of shopping, but food shopping has a special place of hatred deep within my soul, usually filling me with a level of tedium, frustration and ultimately futile anger that matches an electric fire in its incandescence.. Some specifics: Not having a pound coin to release the trolley before you even begin. Forgetting to buy half the stuff you went in for. The queue for petrol as you wait for the idiot infront to work out how to fill a car and then fekk about with purse/make up/hair/starting the car. At the checkout...having to separate and then open the carrier bags against the clock..the bags have the tensile strength of steel and you feel like a circus strongman trying to tear up a telephone directory...once ripped from the bundle you then have the fun of trying to get the bag to open...licking and repeatedly licking your fingers to try and get the top of the bag to open as more goods come flying towards you along the polished stainless steel chute.. The inevitable race against the checkout assistant who sends items barrelling towards you in an ever increasing pile as you eventually go from attempting any organisation with your packing, and revert to simply chucking anything in any available carrier bag. Prepacked meat products that are vacuum packed, the sharp edges of which instantly tear the bag youve just spent 5 minutes trying to get into. Packets that deform and bend as you try and pick them up, dropping cereal. Putting stuff in the carrier bags that then fall over and either spill back out or stop you putting the next thing in as the continual 'BEEP' gets more and more intense. Lobbing the bags into the trolley as half of the topsy turvey contents spill out..if not in the trolley, then later when you get home and find everything rolling around in the boot, bags torn to ribbons thanks to the sharp edged packaging.. fumbling with your keys at the front door that are always in the wrong pocket, then having to haul the tattered remnants of your shop through the unfeasably narrow front door. i could go on, but i want to save something for someone else.
Tins of tuna - how much mess can one tin create along with cutting your fingers off in the process Corned beef - ditto - can no one design a tin that opens without the need to have a box of plasters to hand
yes because that would lead me to dishwashers and washing machines and why dont they make ones where you can load a whole packet of soap instead of having to add each load then the machine could decide on the dosage for the wash selected and no frikin gloopy product all over the kitchen floor and in your cupboards rant over (for now)
There's a lot to be said for self scan You can mute the woman And you can scan as slow as you like. I can show you an easy way of opening the bags too
Car drivers at traffic lights who don't pull away quickly enough and make you catch the next red light. Grrrrr.
I hate it when people sprinkle on the loo seat and leave it ... Vile !!!!! Balled up socks ... Balled up socks ... More balled up socks .... People I don't know who invade my space!! People who talk to you right in your face and give you a shower yuk !!!!
Lick the bag and give a rub between your fingers and thumb and give it a good blow it works every time .