On your scan and bag page at the bottom is a volume button just press it until it's mute It's in bottom left corner in a little square opposite should say finish and pay
Look at the bag with the handles either side or hold one handle in your hand and pull what would be the opening away from the handle the bag should then be easy to open I can't post pics my quota is exceeded
Ducbird. I know we've never met and i know this is mayne a little hasty but........I think i love you.
Don't blow into it just pull the handle away from the opening kinda stretching it and an opening appears just pull from there
people that latch onto the latest buzz word/phrase from an advert or a comedian and say it in an effort to receive some second hand wit or convey a non existent personality... virtually every television presenter....particularly the way nick knowles repeatedly says 'thoooousand pooounds' through his nose. the pointlessness of deal or no deal...its not magic, astrology or god...its odds based on mathematics and the whole thing could be over in seconds and we could watch something entertaining instead.
"Y'know" "know what I mean" ( I usually don't) AWESOME! (my god that word winds me up) and "Innit" which a kid at work used to say all the time until I asked him what it meant in the context of what he had just said, of course he couldn't even start to tell me so I told him he would be cleaning the toilets evey time I heard him say it from then on and it strangely disappeared from his vocabulary. Standing in line to pay for fuel while people block up all the tills paying for their weekly food shop - It's a f***ing petrol station for chrissakes.