1200 Oil Reset Notice - Cannot Cleared

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Stavrich, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. Multi 1200s - 2013 - Strange situation in resetting the Oil Service message. Firstly be aware that I have cleared 2 x Desmo and 1 x Oil Service reminders previously using the MelcoDiag.

    I have recently done the 37k mile oil service and somehow I cannot clear the service reminder. I tried with the help of the MelcoDiag developer to clear it, using different codes, but so far no luck.

    Although I do not think this has any relevance, just around 150 miles before reaching 37k I had a Speed / ABS error which meant no more mileage was recorded until the problem was fixed. By the time I fixed that I covered around 350 miles.

    After the Speed/ABS was fixed the odometer started working. When odometer went over 37k I tried to clear the message (oil change already done) but with no success. Still do not think that this has anything to do with this issue..... but ........

    Has anyone had the same service reset failure and how did you resolve it?

    I checked whether my local Ducati could reset it for me but they refused unless they do the service saying that Ducati are getting tough on this. Disappointed as I buy all my spare parts from them.

    Has your dealer the same attitude or are happy to reset ?
  2. That sounds like your dealer is not being very accommodating.

    When I cleared my last service light with melcodiag the oil service did nothing, I had to use desmo service to clear it.
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  3. I don’t blame your dealer. It’s got nothing to do with being “accommodating”. Why should they spend their time putting right something that you decided to do?
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  4. Maybe ducati are now enforcing needing a job reference or something before connecting to their system, as they seem to be much hotter on requiring annual servicing now.

    ET I disagree about putting it right though, as he hasn't broken it. He just wants the service light resetting because his tool won't do it for some reason.
    It's not a favour either, I would expect they will bill for labour time anyway, so it's not free and is just like any other job. That's hardly wasting their time if they bill for it. :yum

    Some dealers are very regimented on how they will deal with their customers with very little latitude. Others are more accommodating (customer focused, choose your preferred description), meaning it's dealer choice to be this way :)

    I still maintain, try someone else. If they give the same answer you have your answer.
    Let us know how you get on. I will need to reset my desmo light soon after rebuilding my engine, so could be in the same boat.
  5. Speaking with Snell in Alton, Ducati expect a job number to go with any re sets, apparently it all gets logged with their main frame back in Italy!
    I don't know whether that's BS or not, frankly Snell have been very helpful with my recent issues that I don't think they'd make that up! The fact that you can't re set an oil service light is enough to make me never buy another Duc!.....
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  6. Service resets ARE now logged on the Ducati system. I for one won't do a reset now, especially on bikes in warranty. Over the years I've been asked to stamp books, indicating services have been done, when in the least I haven't done them. I know many of my customers are capable, but why would I put my name to someone else's work? The diagnostic logging is a digital signature, so in my mind no different.
    Ongoing, If you bought a bike that had been reset and had no service lights lit, you'd assume it was/had been done and all was well. Same as having a stamp in the book. Who's going to get the phone call if it turns out to a be a dog or something goes wrong?
    There are ways around it, JPDiag etc. so if the owner wants to go that route then fine, but getting tough on a workshop because they won't put their name/reputation on the line as well as their time and investment in the equipment, is unfair.
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  7. Ok I stand corrected if they are now logging job numbers for device resets (As I suggested night now be the case above).
    There are your 2nd and 3rd opinions, it's not possible now.

    That said, I see no reason why a dealer cannot record the only work done was to reset the light, not perform the service.

    Nelly, I fully agree, why would you put your name against someone else's work, now things have changed. Previously nothing was recorded, so nothing to worry about.
    service lights don't mean a thing, it's the service history, paper trail, and general condition that does.

    So now a question:
    My bike is at 27k, and currently in bits. It will be having new barrels and pistons. I have taken the option to have my dealer replace the mains and shells while the engine is out.
    Valve clearances, belts and all fluids are also being done, so essentially a full desmo.
    When my service light comes on in 3k miles, is it reasonable to pay ~£280 for an oil change 4k miles early, just to reset the light?
    I don't think it is.

    This is no doubt something that is going to escalate as more of the older bikes out of warranty receive non franchised servicing.

    There may be trouble ahead (sing along if you know the words ;) )
  8. I have the same problem, just done a Desmo check and bought new belts filter ETC from my main dealer and my service light needs re_setting. dealer wont reset as I did the work myself.
  9. Hi John. Tbh, in your case, if I was doing that job, then a reset would be valid. There are a few other ops to perform on the "desmo" service, most notably the rear hub service, but in the scheme of things that wouldn't take much to complete, so a reset would be valid if the schedule was completed.
    In truth, it's nothing new but now the operation is recorded by Ducati. I can't speak for other workshops but I've pretty much always declined resetting service indicators unless I've done the work. The older systems that couldn't be reset until they lit up weren't a problem (if I'd service the bike), but someone just rolling up and asking for the op to be done, often because they're selling the bike, is a no no for me, if only to protect the future owner.
    I don't really see an "escalation" of the issue. It's always been here... Most workshops will have a decent diagnostic tool that will do the job. If they haven't, why not? You can't work on bikes today without one.
    The only issue I see is the age old one of the DIY owner not being able to do it. As I said before I know many owners that are more than capable, and the means are available to use a freeware package, or even buy a semi pro kit.
    I'm all for owners looking after their bikes, but my issue is when they expect a workshop to put their name/reputation to it, and when they're declined, take a shot at the workshop.
    I take on board your logging the job a "service reset only", but for me, and I can't put my finger on it, it still doesn't seem "right".
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. so it leaves me with no option but to seek another alternative to reset my service light, leaves a sour taste in my mouth when I spend so much money at my dealers, and can't get my 8 year old bike reset.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Thanks Nelly.
    I should have maybe qualified my comments above.
    The comment regarding being accommodating wasn't a pop at dealers. It is a fact some dealers will have more latitude when dealing with customers. No doubt this is generally earned, such that a fresh walk-in may not get the same answer as a long standing regular customer.
    There are also dealers whose opinion we as customers will value higher, yours being one of them in my case.
    Thats why i said the op should get a 2nd dealers opinion if he is unsure.

    My dealer has in the past reset my oil service light for 1/2 hours labour. I have bought the parts from them so there is a level of trust here.
    If dealers were to do this we wouldn't get into the situation where owners only do the light when selling the bikes.

    I hope the guy who wrote melcodiag can get this sorted. If not, and if my dealer can no longer reset the light for me, I shall buy a branded professional bike obd tool, it will pay for itself in a few services.
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  12. I have done my all own servicing and more for many years and have used freeware and purchased software to reset service lights but what bugs me is that in recent years Ducati keep changing the goalposts. Not only do they keep changing ECUs as new models come out but they change the firmware as well. JPdiag's MC3 software will reset the service light on Monsters with the Siemens ECU but won't on the Scramblers because they use a different firmware. Ducati now have service lights on time as well as on mileage. God knows what I will do about my Supersport in future? Melcodiag will talk to it but not reset anything.
    I'm sure that in the car world manufacturers are not permitted to only allow service lights to be resettable by their dealers.
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  13. I get it John :) The problem the trade have in this day and age, as is the case with pretty much every part of life now, is that putting a signature against something, digital or written, is that there's a strong chance it'll come back to bite you if something goes wrong.....
    We're caught between a rock and a hard stone, in that we have to play by the rules laid down by manufacturers, consumer law and peoples opinion whilst trying to keep the punter happy. Whatever role folk are in, would they "sign off" to something on a simple "say so" that all is well or been done?
    Some might argue "it's just a bike service", but in the cold light of day, if something goes wrong, then the shit hits the fan. Having done a favour for someone has no bearing on it if there's a signature against it hidden away somewhere...... someone will dig it out.
    Customer is always number 1, but that philosophy is being run a close second by protecting your lively hood and arse.
  14. Yep, I get all of that.
    I know its not your doing, and you have to protect your interests, but it doesnt help the large number of owners with older (and not so old) bikes.

    I had written a longer reply, but deleted it.

    Lets hope the guy who wrote melco diag can sort out what is wrong.

    Stavrich, sounds like you have your answer.

    Aero, there is a difference between pre 2013 bikes. The ecu is the same but the firmware version is different. I thought the only difference was to do with the twin-spark and the skyhook suspension, so would be surprised if multitool couldnt connect and reset the service light for all pre-dvt bikes.
  15. Ime thinking that its an opportunity for the dealers to earn a few quid on diag at the customers request as opposed to them doing anyone a favour. a lot of garages these days earn from the diy screw ups.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. If I was a dealer I wouldn’t “put my name” on work done by an amateur (thereby taking on liability), for the sake of a few quid. Absolutely not worth it if it went wrong.
  17. Interesting comments.
    They were very happy to sell me all the parts required for the service but now are not happy to reset the reminder. To me this is "blackmailing of some sort" try to force people who enjoy working on their cars / bikes not to do that.

    If this is the way forward then soon we will be expected to be registered mechanics etc. before allowed to buy an oil filter or more than one litre of engine oil and definitely any spark plugs- just making a point here.

    If it has to be logged on their system then it's very easy to have a flag whether service was done or not. Prospective buyers should be able to download the service history and see whether service by a dealer took place or not. I am happy to show the receipts for my Desmo parts - plugs, filters, belts etc... £250+ plus photos of the work done.

    They can protect their margins while the product is under warranty but not for ever and ever..... Ducati are the worst. They are changing the command codes every couple of years for no technical reason apart from their own...

    Remember we had similar issues with warranty some years ago - ie warranty invalided if not serviced by main dealer..

    I wonder what will happen when the next service is due - have both Oil and Desmo reminders flashing? :thinkingface:
    #18 Stavrich, Aug 17, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
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  18. Seems like a “restrictive practice” to me, as others have said doing your own servicing is fine, to have some light on your dash getting your attention all the time is a safety issue, you automatically keep looking at it, thinking about it, not concentrating on the road ahead.

    I wonder what a decent specialist lawyer would make of it.
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  19. Simplest solution would be to allow bikes to access a service reset menu after a set period of time. After all, the bike belongs to you and not Ducati so to continue to place limitations is a bit of a piss take.

    We’re now at a stage where governments are talking about having to force technology manufacturers to stop deliberately making repairs too difficult (phone screens etc). We shouldn’t be allowing manufacturers tie us in to ‘life of the vehicle dealer servicing’.
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