British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Why do you hope Michael Gove, Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg will be OK if the UK "Turns to shit"? :thinkingface: I thought you hated them, so why the sudden benevolence towards them? :thinkingface:

    Oh and ........"IF"? I thought it was nailed on that we are all doomed, are you softening your opinion? I knew you'd come round Dukey. :grinning:
  2. Lets have a look at your usual " were all doomed" claim shall we?

    I see a lot of remainers saying we are stockpiling but very few else. I've seen it said it is ONE of many plans but not the only one. I've seen an awful lot of could, might, possibly, might lead too , may, but much ado about nothing else

    Medicines, check your list duke, some of the biggest pharma companies in the world are in the U.K. to explain that to you, if european pharma doesn't come to us, we don't go to them so hundreds of millions more europeans will not have medication made in the U.K. available to them

    Food then, do you honestly think there are no countries already in negotiations with the U.K. ready to fill the gap of European food sources will leave should they be silly?? We have a shit load of cash and non eu countries will be lining up with their foodstuffs to sell to the U.K. We will have no obligation to deal with european food markets or can be made to buy from them anymore and I'll tell you this, the biggest worry for european food producers is, once other countries take the U.K. market off european companies, the eu food producers might not get back that food business, ever.

    The biggest worry for eu countries, is the same, that traditional markets for EVERYTHING they used to sell us, could be closed to european companies as non eu companies take over our very lucrative market.

    Your continual, only the U.K. will have issues, trips up your dishonesty and sillyness making you look very foolish and nothing but a troll.
  3. stockpiling food

    2yrs away

    Hope you have a big fridge
  4. Do they have fridges in France where Dukee is going?
  5. What about Yorkie Bars?

    More specifically the raisin and biscuit one?

    I've only just tried that and I'm annoyed I'd not tried it sooner....don't Brexit my Yorkie :(
  6. Yorkies are made in Yorkshire, just like their tea, and their terriers
  7. If there is no agreement then WTO kicks in at the end of March 2019 as I understand it.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. You forgot puddings.
  9. No I haven't, he'll be back in a minute telling us we're all doomed again
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. upload_2018-8-19_13-32-22.png

    #14532 Lightning_650, Aug 19, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
  12. Away from Brexit but showing why some feel it is time to jump ship

    It was mentioned the other day that the European Central Bank had thrown 2.4 Trillion euros at keeping the euro afloat through a form of quantative easing and that is being stopped at the end of this December after nearly 4 years

    At the same time, the Greek crisis has not gone away and the Financial assist agreed in 2015 by the ECB and IMF is coming to an end this year also

    The worry however isn't just about the euro tanking with europe in a state of flux and panic but there are some concerns within Germany about how much the Germans will have to fill the gap but also, the view by other eu countries of a more powerful Germany given it's past
  13. ^^^^ but we are not in the Euro.
  14. Well spotted, you're sharp you :D

    It is more about the eu has gotten too big, a bit like facebook and as such there is very little control anymore as the eu keep throwing on financial bandages that stop the limelight of the problem but the problem remains.

    Poland is now being threatened to have it's voting powers removed by the eu, Italy's debt will come back and bite europe, Hungary and Austria's ignoring shengen open borders, France now with the hump with eu as it is set to lose billions of euro's in port developemnt to the dutch and belgium, some within Germany suggesting they go back to the Deutschmark to protect it from the instability of the euro

    As we've seen since Brexit, countries are realise the eu as a governing body is not fir for purpose, even the most ardent europhiles have said changes need to happen or it will fail. Countries are now becoming more protectionist to protect itself from the eu's inevitable downfall and the biggest link is he euro
  15. I would worry more about our own issues.
    Back in 2008 when the recession kicked in the £ dropped against Euro.
    After the 2016 vote the £ again dropped against Euro.
    Have a look at a 15 years £ vs Euro chart, you will notice that in case of trouble/uncertainty the investors would rather spend/buy Euro vs. £.
    I haven't got a clue why but assume they know Germany has shit loads of "real" monies that they can spend to keep the Euro afloat in exchange for tax free export markets.
    As for Greek crisis they should have not spent billions of Euro on useless buildings...not to mention the level of corruption there.
    Here we go 2 "cliffs"
  16. I went further back to when we had over $2.07 to the pound which was in April 2007. In that year the U.K. was the 5th largest economy

    in 2014 when the pound versus the dollar was around £1.58 and guess who was the 5th best economy..yep..the U.K.

    In 2018 with the pound at £1.27, who do you think is the 5th largest economy? no go on, have a guess, you know you want too

    Coulda, woulda, shoulda but fact is...
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. The irony is the biggest losers in the UK from a hard Brexit will be the fishing industry and the farming industry.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Surely fish farms will be No1 :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Evening chuckles ....On friday you said

    The banking industry is working on the assumption that a pound will be worth .92 of a Euro after any hard Brexit.

    And the 20% inflation? Are you looking forward to that?

    Tariffs alone will be about 20% let alone a devaluation in the pound.

    A few people asked you why you would say that, any links to look at or any information that would support that.
    As per usual, not a single shred of information, any articles or links, which is normal for most of your inputs on this thread.

    Today's peach is
    The irony is the biggest losers in the UK from a hard Brexit will be the fishing industry and the farming industry.

    I'm guessing there will be no articles, links or information to support that either ?
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