British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Well it won't be you as in your desperation to go back to the deluded default of the chlorinated chicken, you forget we covered this many pages ago. Even the eu states the chicken is safe to eat and has a lower salmonella and campylobacter infection rate than eu chicken, whose infection rates are upto ten times higher.

    It also raised the issue that within the eu, we already eat chlorinated food as most bagged salads, fruits and nuts are all chlorine washed. Why do you think it is only remainers that are mentioning the chlorination of food but the eu are keeping quiet about it, hmmm?

    Infact if you check the regular efsa (european food safety agency) the eu's own body for food safety, you'll see they have concerns about chlorates the eu already deems as acceptable and mentions it being used in food washing, the very same thing some remainers say are unaceptable with food when it comes to chicken

    Sorry me old son, but you're running out of scare stories
    #14602 noobie, Aug 21, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. i guess you all ignored the wto expert's comments in a post a few pages back?
    anyhoo, i got an unexpected gift yesterday from a magazine i subscribe to ISCOT. a most excellent read btw. one of these.
    tick tock :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Go back to sleep the Finm :rolleyes:
  6. Your so cute when you try fin :D

    Two things if I may fin, I'm not sure what coat of arms they are And not the cartoon picture on your wank mag freebie (worth mentioning that it has a unicorn on your official one :D)

    But the pure hilariarity of wanting to be independent, leave the U.K. and leave the crown and then you have a passport holder with a cartoon crest of arms on it.

    Anyway as a chuckle first thing in the morning, thank you patsfinsheadinanoldfashionforumtherethereway

    #14606 noobie, Aug 22, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
  7. Your so cute when you try fin :D
    you aint, along with most of the commentators on this thread yer a bit rabid with yer views and interpretation of the result and the way the referendum was conducted. you dont win over harts and minds like that.
    the I.Scot mag is excellent btw, a modern Scots magazine, obviously pro EU without the small c conservatism that runs in the lesser older publication.
    Go back to sleep the Finm :rolleyes:
    yip, you would love that exe wouldn't yah?. sorry bud, cant do that not even for you. *shrugs*. :)
  8. Not Rabid fin, more like

  9. So Brexit isn’t the promised utopia it was purported to be then. No shit Sherlock.
    • Crap Crap x 1
  10. Irrespective of whether you agree or disagree with Brexit, when you have this sort of shit on the latest no deal guidelines from the government:

    Let me assure you that, contrary to one of the wilder claims, you will still be able to enjoy a BLT after Brexit, and there are no plans to deploy the Army to maintain food supplies," he said.

    It just demonstrates to me that as a country (or union) we need help.....
  11. Evening chuckles, any facts on that?

    Todays releases I feel confirm what most of us have been saying all along, the eu comission is intransigent and we have wasted 2 years when we should have announced free trade/wto at the same time as article 50, business would be ready by now had they done so.

    Raabs release today sadly showed project fear/undermine is still going along. The amount of items identified as might, possibly, could, maybe but none said will.

    I feel it's more that the government has finally realised that they will have to execute the brexit that was actually voted for, to leave and are having one or two last attempts of overturning a majority democratic vote.

    I did chuckle when they said "new red tape could delay foreign sperm donations arriving in Britain." I'm sure there are one or two in here who could help them out in any shortfall :D

    Also the advice that drug companies store a 6 week surplus, what happens on week 7 then? sounds more like someone has shares in pharma and have released scare stories in the way in the states gun companies say buy all you can, they will be illegal soon.

    another sillyness, be warned now, this might offend the under 16's (more like over 8's) as they set out some of the broad and deep impacts of leaving the bloc without a deal – for example, tobacco manufacturers will even be forced to find new warning pictures for their product packets.

    yes after brexit, you will need a new picture on the side of cigarettes, can I get a woop woop

    another lie, most will remember the acts actually passed into law that were so contentious in parliament but the main one being to protect the U.K. All current eu law will be transferred over to U.K. law and so allowing initial protection but also allowing time to negotiate within the U.K.'s own parliament as to what ones we want to keep and which ones are relevant to us

    So why then have they tried to claim this
    In a section dealing with individual consumers of financial services, officials said: “The cost of credit card payments between the UK and the EU will likely increase, and these cross-border payments will no longer be covered by the surcharging ban (which prevents businesses from being able to charge consumers for using a specific payment method).”

    The surcharge ban only just came in last January, but according to government data from previous years, removing it will mean credit card users being hit with a cost of up to £166m.

    If the laws have been transferred into U.K. law then the claim that something could happen, can't. I do worry that the 6 weeks extra medication is for the extreme remainers:tired_face:
    #14611 noobie, Aug 23, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
  12. Change. No one wants it. Everyone needs it. Many resist it.

    That’s life in general.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. same for undercrackers
  14. Oh for the love of God

    We're dooooomed.....dooooomed

    To quote Polly;

    "Supermarket CEOs say shelves will be emptied as a third of food is imported from the EU"

    So let me get this straight Polly, a ceo of a major supermarket in the uk is currently sat doing nothing.

    He / She hasn't engaged in new supply talks with anyone else, not even crossed their minds at all. They're all just sat there waiting for the day

    2rds by default doesn't come from the EU, as per the statement, and so that would therefore require robust global supply line's.

    And you think that a CEO, who's employed and accountable to the board would sit and allow empty shelves?

    Get a fucking grip woman
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. For those who do not know who Polly Toynbee is, she would be the voice on dukes answerphone
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Fella on radio was more sensible, and rings true. There will NOT be empty shelves and food scarcity. There WILL be less choice until we put replacement arrangements in place with the like of Spain, France etc. To add to that, it’s in their direct interest to do that, and what can the EU really do if they go direct? They can’t find all countries in Europe....even the meglomaniacs in charge will see that..
  17. In it's sillyist cartoonish way you would imagine eu lorry upon eu lorry sitting at eu ports, eu business's sitting there losing money saying to their drivers, Non, Nein, Nee, Ne, He, όχι, Nem, não...we have to wait til Barnier and Junker say so

    Whilst they watch Lorries from non eu countries pile across to the U.K. to steal their business. :D

    Politicians be crazy, they would be rubbish at cluedo
  18. "Leaving the eu means we can write our own tarifs in our own way" Yes, re-write WTO rules as it would suit UK..fantasy land....
    At one point brexiteers are pro-protectionism (at least when on Trum side) at one point it is bad that EU is protecting our farmers (to a certain extent).
    WTO does not regulates services and our economy is predominantly built around services sector. What is going to happen here?
    SCM a company that was co founded by Jacob Rees-Mogg registered a new bussiness in Ireland one of the reasoning towards shareholders being the uncertainty after leaving the EU. Amazing isn't it?
    I bet the bankers want freedom from the EU regulations so they can assume more risk therefore more bonuses, no worries if it goes bust there is the gov. to save them.
    See RBS shares sold at £2bn loss. All paid by us, taxpayers.
    £2b would have been a nice boost for NHS.

    I would like to highlight again I am not 100% happy with how EU is run at the moment..but firmly believe it was better in.
  19. Nope, we can as the same as any non eu country, write our own tariffs. That is how the other countries trade. We could if we wanted just advertise, come trade with us but to do so we will offer 0% tariff charge to those countries who want to trade at 0% tariff at their end also. You say that is fantasy land, why?

    Nope, Many brexiteers are after leaving the protectionist gated community of the eu to be more open to trade from the rest of the world.

    Interesting question, I suspect that the financial/services markets are so interwoven throughout the entire world that it will have little or no effect

    I don't know people were still falling for that, let me help you with the man himself explaining

    I doubt very much if any government in the U.K. would ever do a bank bail out like they did in 2008 again, there would be riots and they know it

    Absolutely RBS are a bunch of Cvnts and always have been but they have been this way since 2008, well before Brexit and yes, it would be nice to get out money back and use it more wisely

    Perhaps you should take that up with your mep whilst we still have one and ask why the eu is so inflexible on so many things and has forgotten the 28 employ the commission, and not the other way around?
    #14619 noobie, Aug 23, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
  20. Who out there has a surplus of foodstuffs currently with no buyers who will suddenly be able to replace what the EU supplies? If this was available then surely they would have gone down that route before as supermarkets are notorious for wanting to buy what is cheapest regardless of the quality. Look at the WTO tariffs on foods and you will find they are high.

    And in any case certain fresh foods cannot be supplied from long distance. It's precisely why much of the U.K. Is supplied from the EU.
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