For one the clutch works and does not make you look like you have never set off on a bike before. The bike is much faster accelerating than the 821. The only other thing that is better is the suspension but that is only on the ohlins spec s.p version.
Yes, I don't know about the 821 but the 939 clutch can be very grabby, especially when cold and in sport mode
My 821 clutch is like a switch. It has a window of about 1mm between in and out, where you can actually pull away.
The older 821 SPs will have taken the majority of their depreciation by now. When as a newer 939 SPs still have a fair bit of value to lose. Over 2-3 years ownership that’s a fair bit of difference in cost. So is the 939 SP worth the extra £3 a day........?
I've been looking at sp,s also however the 1100 is premier league fun if a bit primitive however but a 939 sp would be very welcome
Providing you look after and service the clutch i wouldnt say always feels a little better just after ive serviced it...
there is a modified clutch kit you can buy, I did mine earlier this year, the clutch is perfect now. One of the plates is machined and a bevel washer is installed. Makes a huge difference. Got mine from fleabay, £60.00