British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. here's a list of all countries who trade solely under WTO rules. I wonder why there are not many?

    • Holy See
    • Mauritania
    • Monaco
    • Palau
    • Timor-Leste
    • Sao Tome and Principe
    • Somalia
    • South Sudan
    • Sudan
    • Western Sahara
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  2. Who's proposing to trade with the world SOLELY under WTO with no trade deals in place? :thinkingface:

    0.5 / 10 - Must try harder. :rolleyes:
  3. I'm pretty sure we have been saying wto AND free trade?

    Here is a list of how often duke is right

    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. I thought every country in the world traded under wto rules with countries they hadn't got trade deals with.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. That’s what I thought.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. :D

    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Very good. :)

    But still....................
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. I'm still surprised it hasn't been picked up on Raabs book of doom where he mentioned we might have trouble getting Danish sperm to impregnate our women, I thought it was a joke at first.
  9. then you fell pregnant?
  10. Nope, that was the large pizza with chicken wings that gave that effect.

    Oh the irony..
    Mcdonnell is worried about the "rise of the far right". No mention about the takeover of her Majesty's Opposition by the holocaust-denying, Jew-hating Marxist far left whose leader this week outlined in a speech his plans for taking the broadcast media into state control and introducing a policy of social cleansing at the BBC.

    There is no credible far right party in British politics and never has been. The far left sit on the opposition front benches.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. There is no credible far right politicians who want to put their head above the parapet but plenty lurking around and funding and pulling strings in the Conservative party and UKIP in recent years though.
  13. I cant see any evidence of true far right in politics. Torres are a far older and simpler breed: it s the poor and lower classes they dispose: doesn’t matter what colour they are.

    The drive for anti-immigration in that lot is simply to reduce the number of additional poor people.
  14. there's that normalization thing going on here. far right by who's standards? and who would want it? anyhoos, how can they be serous politicians and still find the time to continue posting in here? :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I generally find the more the left go to the far left, the more they try and convince people the far right are on the rise and not them.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Both ends of the scale are obsessed with class still. And both are equal oxygen-wasters
  17. Being mischevious :D

    I'd love to see a boxing match being owen jones and katie hopkins, my money would be on hopkins
  18. While he debates how he will best knock her teeth out with the crowd, she’d have got in a few hooks and a low blow to the knackers and he’d be out cold
  19. More like she would not him clean out and Owen would be happy to have another "I am a victim badge"
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