given the size of the universe there is a very good chance that Mr Tickle does exist somewhere - I would say out of the three my money would be on Mr Tickle
Of course they 'exist' - as words in books, ideas in peoples' minds, representations in paintings, characters in novels - in the same sense that Harry Potter and Zeus exist. It's just that their existence is virtual, not real. The main mistake religionists make is to think that notions which exist in their imaginations have an objective existence in the world of science, evidence and reality.
This is going to be a really slow thread cos we're all stopping to enjoy Eddie Izzard . For me the main difference betwen God, Mr Tickle, Father Xmas, is I wish Mr Tickle and Father Xmas did exist.
Lol, yeah seriously, we've seen debates here on war, gun control, the debatable merits of Americans and now you want to start on Religion???!!! I'm staying out of this one!
Of course god exists!!!!!!! For he nameth himself unto thee TROY , let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Troy , for it is a human number..... It's number is 21,21,21 ..........
Religion. Second in the all-time unnecessary death league, behind mosquitos. Okay if you're a sheep, I suppose.
If only! Religionists insist on bringing their woo into everything and forcing it down our throats. That's the problem.
religion .................when will everyone realize i am god well when iam in the house on my own playing air guitar lol:biggrin: