I believe most politicians do genuinely want to do well for their constituents but at some point the team you play for will come first. The arrogance of Labour is that they have the easy ride of no responsibility being in opposition and some/most of their inputs have come under one cause, beat the tories, no matter what the cost The tories are changing from a more right traditional right into a mid ground and far too many of them are struggling with that move, however most are trying, even if they do dance like peter crouch. Go to wto, still offer to be one of the greatest friends of the european countries but never let the eu commission get a single finger into our business again.
Pre Brexit vote. I have no issue with that. Many politicians did, and they all agreed to abide by the vote because they expected to vote to stay in and protect the status quo. Now a great many of them don't want to carry out what was promised with weasel words about buses, lies, no manifesto, didn't vote on the type of Brexit and on, and on....... Their constituencies won't forget that. When she was campaigning for the PM job, not once did she pitch staying in the EU or watering it down to a level we are today. "Brexit means Brexit", I'm sure she said that. Not "Brexit doesn't really mean Brexit. What I'll do is give the EU billions, become an embarrassment to the UK, stay in the Single Market under their jurisdiction and remain under the rule of The ECJ". Hasn't quite got the same punchy impact has it? I'm not sure it would have won her the job either. She's a conniving, duplicitous career politician with a history poor performance in Govt. She's clinging on by her fingernails and hopefully someone will fire the bullet soon.
And this tactic of opposition to undermine the goverment and replace them at all costs is: A. new? B. Limited to Labour? C. Something the Conservatives have never done? D. All of the above? On a different tack, I read your views on Turkey being required as a member of the EU, the imminent problems in Greece and Italy plus significant complications in Switzerland and now the Swedish incendiary problems are about to erupt. Do you expect the EU to survive a matter of months or it down to weeks?
You can see with the commission taking Poland to court, trying to exercise western eu standards on what are still old eastern block countries such as Hungary, Austria has made it clear they are in charge of Austria and not the eu, Switzerland, one of the more democratic countries standing up to the eu etc etc etc I think like most empires that never last, most of the countries have realised the eu commission have become so arrogant that they have forgotten that they are employed by the 28 and do not run the 28. I do not think the eu will collapse in it's entirity, there are some good points to it. Unfortuneately as humanity tends to do, some took a good trade organisation and turned it into an organisation for their own power. No country has benefited more than Germany and as such, like the connotation or not, Germany had finally conquered europe but by stealth and finance. The Greeks and Italians know this as do many others. The eu as a body needs drastic change but given how many pigs are at the trough, they will fight it every step and on that basis, We, the U.K. have seen the writing on the wall and thought, let the fuckers sort it out themselves.
Possibly, the political elite that is the civil service was always going to either a create as much fear as possible to seek a 2nd vote..this has spectacularly backfired b block and create impasses to a point that we get to march and nothing is in place so everyone gives up or extends it into infinity and beyond, effectively overturning a democratic vote in all but name only
if your suggesting she is trying to please everybody i guess she will have to factor in the recent polling in N/I Scotland when it comes to her latest definition of brexit and what you are likely to receive.
Davis is a joke! He spent almost two years in charge of negotiations but only spent four hours actually talking to the EU. Now he is critical of others? Then he says deciding not to bomb Syria is on a par with Brexit. What a fraud.
The dismay from the taxpayers who paid him is somewhat more important imo. OK so he is out of his league and unable to do a decent job- the least he could do was turn up, even if he didn't have the balls to quit.
You're one of those folk who believe it is possible to negotiate with the EU and actually come away with something you want, right? : o D
something like not joining the euro or schengen that kind of thing? but, i Guess you can only negotiate those things when yer IN or wanting to be IN.
Yes after two years of negotiations during which time he went to speak for less than four hours. Raab has spent more than that in the first week of taking over. Davis claimed he quit due to policy following the Chequers meeting. Edit I expect he was pushed to resign when his negotiations were discussed reviewed by cabinet, though I do not claim that as a fact.
I am someone who thinks that when you agree to negotiate the first obligation is to turn up. If there is a total impasse then you explain this to the cabinet and public. He is very vocal now, and doesn't seem afraid to speak out, so what has changed apart from the fact that he is off the hook? Its very easy to say the others won't compromise after the fact.
Davies is a very switched on cookie and a brexiteer. I would imagine given the access he had, he knew very quickly what most brexiteers have known since the beginning, the eu under the eu commission, never wanted a deal at all. He let his support staff carry on with day to day stuff that even the eu couldn't ignore whilst he and a select few worked on the Canada plus plus proposal. This meant they had to go through every deal the eu agreed to with non eu countries to then pull a package together of things that the eu had agreed and so SHOULD have been no issue for the eu. You don't need Barnier for that groundwork. He would have put this proposal to his boss, the one that appointed him, May who then at every juncture seemed to remove him from the process by appointing the senior civil servant to carry the load whilst shutting Davies out. He still has the Canada plus plus deal in his pocket and if ever May stopped being a remainer and worked on it, we might have got a different outcome. Her undermining Raab, the second personal appointment by her as Brexit secretary defines she never wanted a good deal for the U.K. at all, she just wanted Brexit in name only. As to your Raab and two weeks Jezz, the first time Raab flexed his office's muscles, May appointed Olly Robbins, the senior civil servant to take the lead whilst the brexit minister had to report to him
You could just as easily say that Davis wants a Hard Brexit and therefore put no effort into achieving a deal as he doesn't want one.
If he had wanted a hard brexit he would not have wasted time compiling the Canada Plus plus agreement no?
All these Brexiteers politicians and so called experts alike, never offer an insight of how they think things might be better using their ideas, simply because they don’t have any. They just criticise those trying to protect the interests and livelihoods of those who work for a living rather than living off some big inheritance. I thought Countries were supposed to be queuing up to make great new trade deals with Britain which would make us all wealthy???