Pet Hates

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. I think the original point was about being blinded by the lights of the car in front, the reasons quoted were related to brakes, but the reason could be related to usage of, inter alia, gearbox, fog lights, etc. However it is caused, this is a pain in the arse for the person behind.
  2. !!!
  3. Luism ;-)
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  4. I posted something on here earlier and it has disappeared. Am I going mad?
    Iif it has been removed because of inappropriate content, please let me know why.

    It could of course have been operator error. Help!

    LUISM! (...ISM...Done that a few times over the years)
  5. Stupid managerial sayings - my current no 1 hate is "its two sides of the same coin"

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  6. ANY TV show that has 'Celebrity' in the title.
    ANY TV show whose title is prefixed with 'The Great British'..(bake off, railway, serial killings etc etc'
    'Reality' TV in any and all of its guises, including any type of so-called talent show...but also drivel like:
    3 or 4 in a bed, big bruvva (who watches that crap?), jungle, wife swap, extreme makeover where that big mouthed yank screams himself hoarse into a bullhorn, that show where they bid on storage units, heir hunters, dog the bounty hunter, secret millionaire...
    and i really hate those 'cops with cameras' shows where they try to pump up the old bill and you see them misquoting PACE left right and centre with the full support of the narrator.

    you get the picture...

    any channel 5 'documentary' with its gossamer thin detail and dumbed down, sensationalist journalism...with ridiculous titles like 'LA's sexiest child slayings'...'10 coolest shootings'...'was einstein a twat?'...

    the fact that i whenever i leave the house, i always have to return because ive left something, gloves..anything..or worse, returning back to the door, looking for said item..maybe repeating this process several times and then finding said item in my pocket/car/on my head etc..
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  7. being stuck in traffic to the point of anger, and mystifyingly being both desperately thirsty and absolutely bursting for p1ss at the same time...whats that about???

    inadvertantly but repeatedly inhaling the noxious fume of someones halitosis, who appears to eat nothing but red meat and dog sh1t and who hasnt even got the good grace to at least attempt to talk out of the side of their mouth and explain it away as Bells Palsy...i always have the courtesy to do that when ive been existing on a diet of dead spliff butts and shit sandwiches...why cant they?? Poor breeding??
  8. Going forward
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  9. Let's blue sky this :rolleyes:
  10. In the age of wonderful technlogal advancements and we still can not give accurate weather forecast.

    People who watch mafia/gangster films and continue to quote from them. Why do they do it????? Plus they actually think its funny.
  11. what-ev-errr
  12. ditto automatic cars, its not actually good to kick it into neutral at every set of lights, as the process of putting the car into drive is a little slower than in a manual, also its not good for the gearbox to continually go between drive and neutral (unnecessary extra wear on torque converter, engine mounts and clutch packs. Most handbooks advise against shifting into neutral unless you are going to be stationary for several minuets). With the proportion of automatic cars increasing you will see a lot more of this.
  13. i hate with a palpable rage the trend in television for the presenter to look past the camera when addressing the is sooo fkn pretentious..would you tolerate someone looking at your tight ear when talking to you in the street?'d punch them square in the face..any reasonable person would...

    speaking of telly (which i hate in general in case you hadn't guessed). dont you also hate it when a personalty is being interviewed and they show you the interview being filmed, a sort of fake 'bdhind the scenes' bit of crap..showing us, the lucky audience some of the lighting set up, or treat us to a constantly panning camera with the occasional glimpse of the interview in a tiny monitor with the real interview a blurry mess in the me a favour.

    i could go on...

    in fact, later, i intend to...
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  14. Actually you need some TLC and a good massage to calm you down funky your going to explode my lovely
  15. ...and all that 'good stuff'.
  16. People who (although they're in England speaking in English) say names like München, Firenze, Mumbai, Venezia, Kolkata - when the place has a name in English like Munich, Florence, Bombay, Venice, Calcutta. It's pretentious.
  17. So is it Ypres or Wipers?
  18. The customer is always right

    Are they .....
  19. The A406 North Circular Road :mad:
  20. They are. Except when they are wrong :smile:
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