British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Has Barnier been Merkeled?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Something fishy has been going on since before the vote. Remainers and Leavers to be fleeced I think.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. There is no plan from those who wish to leave with no deal as they know what the cost to the Country will be.

    Once they made it clear there would be significant job losses and higher interest rates, they know the electorate would lose interest and the cat would be out of the bag.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Fleecing was always the goal. How best to keep the sheep docile ... that's where folks differ.
  5. I see chuckles Y2K is on full effect again.

    You underestimate brexiteers chuckles, they had scheduled in a small (in comparitive terms) dip whilst we restructure to become U.K. plc again. This unsettlement was worth it for the much longer benefit.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. hmm about 20-40 years? where we will be accustomed to the new poverty norm. 30odd opposition seats are away to be removed and there will be less chance for those out with the south and east to do anything about it.
  7. 2-3 years in the intial phases as those would need to be the ones that would need to be done straight away, the others as they have all been transfered over to the U.K. parliament would be dealt with at our own pace once a order of need was established, so no fin, nothing like a 20-40 years.

    The boundary changes were parliaments way of reducing parliament and it's costs by removing 50 mps as well as matching by numbers, the mp vs constituent balance

    The south east is the engine of the U.K. fin, you may not like that politically but it is, but things are slowly changing and it is moving more outward which is a positive and the right thing to do
  8. the southeast is the engine? maybe, but its running on tax take fuel from the rUK it consumes 25times the amount of fuel per head than what is invested in other areas of the uk in infrastructure alone. but its a clever engine, it has convinced the northern engine, thats now running on fumes, that it is them that is causing all the pollution. (scroungers)
    dare highlight it. accusations of unregulated and excessive emissions (grievance) are being emitted.
    aye, it Westminsters way, steal our transmission, then laugh because we cant move.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I know you like them old romantic northern stories of the struggle of McDavid versus Tarquin Goliath. It's not pollution fin from the upper north, it's the hot air. I'm surprised Holyrood hasn't floated away like the Hindenburg yet
  10. The South is the engine because it started off being that for historical reasons and human civilisation always clusters to where the wealth, power and commerce is most concentrated and vice versa. The North had many industries arising from the explosion that was the Industrial Revolution ... but the tendency of wealth and commerce to congregate acted against their long-term survival.

    In order for the South to stop being the engine, intrusive strategies are required to re-locate businesses elsewhere. Enterprise zones and ExitLondon initiatives go some way towards this but the clumping of businesses is like gravity - you need constant effort to counteract it and governments are not that good at constant efforts.
  11. like i said, its a clever engine, its pretty much everywhere north of Birmingham thats getting shafted in terms of re investment with the tax fuel they raise. but northern Britain thinks its upper north Brittan thats drilled a hole in their sump. .
    clever engine.
    best we start getting used to these Brittan and north Brittan labels again brw.
  12. Wha'?
  13. Naah, some politicians up north need the north south divide just for their careers. There used to be heavy populations around the midlands with the car industries, heavy populations around the Scottish ship building industries, people go where work is and minor industries get set up and then larger get attracted too.

    Technology helps as many of the old boundaries of travel are not what they used to be. Blame whatever government you want and from any party but you can't stick lipstick on a pig, if an employer doesn't want to go somewhere, you can't force them.
  14. Naah, some politicians up north need the north south divide just for their careers.
    chicken or the egg? there was no need for the labour party, just grievance mongers.
    There used to be heavy populations around the midlands with the car industries, heavy populations around the Scottish ship building industries, people go where work is and minor industries get set up and then larger get attracted too.
    yip, because there is no need for a steel and ship building industry during an off shore oil boom.
    if an employer doesn't want to go somewhere, you can't force them.
    they follow the money.
    it will only get worse as the south east gets protected (tory heartlands) as brexit bites.
  15. Fin, you know a lot of politicians, and not just the ones that first come to mind, need the them and us for their own agenda and north of north is no different.

    The industrial revolution saw a need for a union and the labour party, absolutely in those times the labour party was not only a god send but an absolute need.

    You've fallen into your same old argument again fin, it's alright with all the goodies being in one place when it suits you, but when it doesn't then it's tories at westminster.

    I have no doubt fin some in Scotland will also be saying "The more powers the snp get for Edinburgh, the more they will look after Edinburgh and not us out in the lowlands, highlands and islands.
  16. Tories don't look after the South East. They just look after their own, same as every political party.

    I guarantee you, if the Tories, or anyone, were looking after the S/E, it would not so closely resemble the shitheap it is now.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. yip, because there is no need for a steel and ship building industry during an off shore oil boom.

    You've fallen into your same old argument again fin, it's alright with all the goodies being in one place when it suits you, but when it doesn't then it's tories at westminster.
    if neo liberalism trickle down policies work, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
    why dont you like democratically elected representatives, representing their constituents? why do you always along with those you spend your day apologizing for call representation grievance?
    do you think the tax collected in edinbro has a better chance of reaching the north of England all the way up to john o groats than the tax collected in Whitehall?
    who do you think the tory party will seek to protect after brexit? a country and regions that never vote for them or their own vote base?
  18. I think you're getting confuzzled fin, neo liberalism does not support trickle down economics, capitalists believe in trickle down. My own feeling is that trickle economics is a great jump start to boosting any economy but like all remedies, it has its place but cannot be the only part of the jigsaw. Trickle down, the longer it goes on, has a backward effect and leads to the situation we have now of the widening gap of have and have nots.

    why dont you like democratically elected representatives, representing their constituents? why do you always along with those you spend your day apologizing for call representation grievance?

    That very question shows greivance politics as your only weapon. I like the fact we have representatives representing their contsituents, that is different than me calling them out for talking a load of old shite

    do you think the tax collected in edinbro has a better chance of reaching the north of England all the way up to john o groats than the tax collected in Whitehall?

    My point was incredibly clear fin but I deem it part of my penance to explain it again:D where as you and the snp jibber jabbers seem to go on about the tories in westminster, I can assure you there are Scots going on about the SNP in Holyrood.

    who do you think the tory party will seek to protect after brexit? a country and regions that never vote for them or their own vote base?

    I'd suggest based on 50 plus years of watching politics, they genuinely want to have the best for the majority of the country for 4 and a half years and then for 6 months, just before an election, they want what is best for their own voter base to keep them in for another 5 years

    I also wear big boy pants and so I can safely say, I have yet to see ANY PARTY, who has not done it this way in my life time
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