Yeah he's going to turn into a Sith Warlord...and diminish all of mankind! Maybe Disney offered him an acting role on the 3 new Star Wars talks!
Operation Yewtree police officers due to question 85 year old German man. In other news Pope Benedict ...
See this book: The Case of the Pope - Vatican Accountability for Human Rights Abuse by Geoffrey Robertson QC (Penguin, 2010). Joseph Ratzinger could be arrested and prosecuted for his many crimes, except that he has claimed sovereign immunity as a head of state. So we can look forward to 1st March, then.
Indeed, and my imaginary friend has assured me that she (for it is a she), is completely unique. Anyone else who also maintains they have an imaginary friend equal to mine should be at best be chastised, at worst, killed in horrible ways at best and as a compromise, condemned to live in hell with fellow sinners for all of eternity. Bring it on!
Such as..."Pontiff retires after heading the global organisation with the most appalling record of 1) Sexual abuse of children, 2) Undertaking investigations into the allegations, and 3) Doing fuck all, other than saying "sorry". My questions are... How could we let this happen? How do we let this go unpunished? How can we prevent this happening again? I welcome your comments. SH.
That's the thing...they are supposed to be servants of God...yet they sexually assault kids, take the publics money although they are filthy rich & they can feed the world 3 times over, they want to be treated like Gods, they are the biggest mafia in the world...they should be shot & pissed on!
We can only speculate, but somehow i doubt he is from a family of mensa's finest.. I'm surprised his brain has the capacity to run his heart and lungs together. The true irony is that he speaks worse English than most migrants, and he must be unemployed, as I can't imagine a job exists that he could possibly do.. If you put him on the bins he would refuse to touch black bags...
Religion or God has never been a problem its the things people do in it's/his name that is the problem. Countries will fight wars in the name of their leader or countries pride. It's not really any different from doing it in the name of a percieved god or religion. It's often just a front to motivate the masses. Religion is like Ghosts. Some beleive but have never seen. Some kick it into myth and some have seen and witnessed stuff that makes them think Death is not an end. The fact you haven't witnessed it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That is where i am with it all. I am only 100% sure of what i witness with my own eyes but i'm open to the possibilty that some peoples eyes have witneesed a lot more. Blind faith in anything i'm less comfortable with.
So here's the question: Which is more likely, that there is a God that looks like the one in the Bible, or that Il Papa will get arrested and prosecuted once he ceases to be his Holiness?
Vanishingly low likelihood, negligible (but not provably nil, as Richard Dawkins has explained) In theory he could, but I suspect he will actually be protected by the Vatican for the rest of his life, which probably will be very short anyway. My guess is that many more cardinals will be engulfed by catastrophic scandals in a couple of months, so they are keen to hurry up and get a new pope in place before that happens. White smoke, anyone?
religion is the most vile and evil invention of humanity. as an aside, if Heir Ratzinger was chosen by god (and why not, after all he was a nazi), then why did he have a pace maker fitted?? as the chosen conduit of god with a direct link on the bat phone (not a real phone of course, he communicates through magic) then surely he wouldnt have a dicky ticker, and if he did, well isnt that gods will? the poor little peniless old boy...he doesnt have any money or even his own house...he has to make do with an entire principality... some people see some form of deity when they heir ratzinger, i see a shrivelled up, right wing fekk who thinks aids is better than a condom and who probably winces when he has a piss...but i guess having a prostate the size of a melon, a cock the size of an acorn, and being a frail old bag of puss must be a prerequisite to running the largest, wealthiest and most powerful fascist paedophile ring in the world.... oh, and i dont respect ANYONES religious views, but i respect their right to have that matter how vile or preposterous...every body has the right to think or believe what they like, but if those thoughts and beliefs starting hurting people then we have a problem...and the very purpose of religion by its very design is to interfere (often literally) with the way people live their lives.. if someone wants to base their world view on an unsubstantiated work of fiction muddled together at a time when people didnt know what air was or where babies came from, be my guest..just keep your little delusion to yourself.
With the only thing in life that is certain being death, we will all find out the deal with religion first hand at some point. If i go first i'll try and let the forum know via Woopi Goldberg. The code word so you know it's me is " how much! " which is an often heard term in Ducati dealers.