First Sportclassic/999 Hybrid Track Spanking!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Connor, Sep 15, 2018.

  1. Yes. And that's the bit that catches people out!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. It was my first on track with the bike and first time with slicks, on hindsight I should have went with road tyres first to see my ability level and see the wear before ruining that rear!
    #22 Connor, Sep 16, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2018
  3. I believe it's called 'how to turn a 999 into a sport classic'
  4. 0506D4FC-26C5-44BE-9B09-E0DA7188B813.jpeg

    This is typical of what I used to get on my k5 1000, except normally far wider and on the RHS (think this may have been post Roskingham)
  5. Well that pretty much flies in the face of everything else I've been told!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Snap Creamy. Alrthoiugh it still means you should have dropped, no it increased, you power tyres are Silverstone that day ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. True dat.

    I got some cold tear on a new rear SC at Cadwell (I think due to the holding in "pit" lane and the amount of sitting about for red flags and the Genny struggling the tyres kept losing heat) and I've been trying to clear by dropping pressure a bit but looks like it may need to go up a bit.......
  8. Try it...cant harm and may help qualify or dispel the theory
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. will let you know week Tuesday.
  10. Did you manage to time your laps?

    Your bike project is exceptional! Great stuff.
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  11. I think I was high 1:45-1:48 ish :)
  12. Sub 1’50 is a good time
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  13. I was only playing really, but now I'm back I wish I did time some of them, the one with the GoPro is a 1:51 I think, but I'm not really going for it and trying to make sure it stays on the bike!
  14. Just bear in mind that this works with race/track tyres. Normal road tyres are made very different so experimenting may be needed :)
  15. It's an SC so very sporty road legal.......

    Could you ask yer man if it includes SC's?
  16. I imagine it would be the same for supercorsas and superbike tyres, they're both for racing :)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. I was a self employed photographer before I started going to college, although the charmed part was that I got a Triumph thruxton for my 21st birthday from my family. Letting that go was how I was able to afford the Ducati which I bought as a track bike relatively cheap (£4500), I used the parts that came off it to afford the work I did to the bike. The original plan was to find the cheapest 749 I could find after selling the triumph and using the remaining money to do the work to the bike. But as Ducati parts are silly money it was more cost effective to buy a bike that already had Gucci bits. I'm also a full time university student now, although I work full time as a bike mechanic during the summer so my further plans for the bike will have to wait until I finish my studies and can finance the bits the bike really needs (microtec, titanium exhaust, 1198 engine, forged wheels..).

    Yes.. the Triumph was gorgeous. And yes I miss it sometimes. I'm not crying, you're crying....

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