The SNP is firmly opposed to Brexit, but has not yet backed calls by the People's Vote campaign for a second referendum to be held on the issue. Or in English To the public, we do not back brexit, in private, we are already lining up how to spend the money the extra powers will give us so won't ask for a second vote. We are saving second vote requests for another indi referendum as we did not like the democratic decision of the first one
Would be amusing, if it didn’t mean people will lose jobs and poverty will increase, if after we leave Scotland get independence and EU follow their rules and don’t let them in. Can’t trade. Can’t travel. And nothing to offer the world to get good trading deals with the world.
We could all be biwwwionaires and the snp would still demand independence for Scotland because it is their Raison d'être. Without that, they are just another political party the same as the rest and enough Scots know this. The trouble Scots have is that for too long they had nationalists and nationalists parties whipping people up saying that Westminster refuses to listen to the Scots and they need a vote on Indi They had the vote and now the government not listening to Scots, is their own.
except they are,, last survey (excluding 16-17 year olds and EU citizens) 47% for, 43 against. in the event of a no/bad deal, excluding don't knows 53%. no bad considering the only people campaigning is the British nationalist media. anyhoo, its funnier watching you lot from the land of no plan attempt to second guess and theorize on a topic you have no knowledge or understanding of. btw noob we are all millionaires, 5th richest country in the world and you did vote to leave.
Fin, surveys smurveys, votes decide and little more. anyhoo, its funnier watching you lot from the land of no plan attempt to second guess and theorize on a topic you have no knowledge or understanding of. ...Fin. your in that same land fella btw noob we are all millionaires, 5th richest country in the world and you did vote to leave. I suggest most peoples bank managers would disagree
btw noob we are all millionaires, 5th richest country in the world and you did vote to leave. I suggest most peoples bank managers would disagree your words and yer never done repeating them. now, is may listening to the surveys? anyhoo, its funnier watching you lot from the land of no plan attempt to second guess and theorize on a topic you have no knowledge or understanding of. ...Fin. your in that same land fella of course, but april and efta should be a good guess and one for your diary. or if another GE is called, running solely on an indi ticket, get a good result. hmm, tickity tockity be happy, it would be a win win for yah, get yer country back, no more scroungers bleeding you dry. less people to blame for yer country ills right enough, but hayho, i dare say your lot will come up with something.
SNP the party of disloyalty and division. Labour the party of ... ah, railways, I think? Liberals the party of Remoaning, not much else. Tories the party of partying I would guess, they all seem hung over. I'm voting for finm. I can understand what most politicians are saying, or trying to say, and it all seems like crap. finm on the other hand, seems to speak some dialect of pine marten that sounds like crap but at least there's a chance that what he wants will be good for the country. Over to you, finm good buddy. However, if you try involving some of your disloyal friends in running the country, you're busted.
Truth has a way of repeating itself this is true fin Fin you must be the only person whose clock keeps running out of batteries after one tick and one tock., There will be no General Election in April because it requires two thirds vote from parliament. Labour despite all their bluster, know they will have less votes than last time due to the mask having slipped on just how much the nasty party they have become The liberals are a non party The snp know they will be forced to include an indi 2 vote in any general election but also know they included that in the 2017 and lost a third of mp's in westminster, despite the bluster, they have fears of losing many more I have no doubt fin, were there a vote in the rest of the U.K. (which you know the majority is in England) do you wish Scotland to remain within the U.K. yes or no, and do you wish for the snp to be kicked out of Scotland you would probably get a yes on both votes
SNP the party of disloyalty and division knowing how you work, (trust me, i do) i will say thanks for the recognition. aye, if only i was more like your lot, but It’s easier tae say whit Scotland isnae than whit it is. It’s no racist, it’s no sexist, it’s no elitist, it’s no [tl;dr] England ... An yon’s a cantie wee dodge, but it disnae warstle us aff the heuk for awfie lang. There’s nae aff-the-rack answer tae the question o independence – ilka yin o us is responsible for settin oot a positive case, even gin it’s anely tae oorsels. Noo, preachin tae the convertit has been gettin wan hell o a rap lately, but there’s naethin wrang wi talkin amang oorsels. Sae here’s whit ah think Scotland is, an ye’ll tell me if ah’m wrang. Sometimes ye’ve tae gang aw the back roads afore ye cam tae the richt gate.
It is possible to be a proud of your country without always agreeing with them and whilst I admire your determination to only see Scotland fin, it is one of 4 nations and in a country of 66 million, Scotland has 5.3 million. Given Brexit is a U.K. direction decided by a democratic national vote, that's where we are going and no amount of headlines in the national saying Sturgeon demands....what ever it is this week as she hasn't had any media for a while, will overturn a national democratic vote that all who took part in, took part in willingly with a 50/50 chance of winning.
Well they all gave May a good kicking today. Humiliation at every opportunity when they had been hinting at some concessions. Really difficult for May to still be stating that Chequers is the only offer on the table. It's been thrown to the ground and stamped on by just about everyone now. So her and Olly Robins Masterplan to ditch Davis and Canada++ has really back fired badly. Where now? Giving in to the EU after today must not happen and I think she'd be committing suicide within her party if she tried, but she's ditched the only feasible alternative. This is deja vous with her choice of Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill to go for a mad election campaign while closing the door on the previous successful team. How can she keep making such bad strategic calls and side with those proposing the wrong startegies. Is there an opportunity for her to resign and have an uncontested replacement slotted in? I can't see the candidate who would have sufficient party support across the spectrum. Oh happy days and I wonder how she can just carry on, the next 2 wks is going to be hell for her. I think she may have to now talk of the very real likelihood of a WTO exit and try and secure deals on the basic items; security, membership of key bodies, flight agreements, etc. I really hope after today that we drastically reduce the financial settlement as we need to play the best cards we have. Low tax, deregulation, let's start using language that the EU won't want us to use and may make them regret the direction that they have pushed the UK in (with May's help). Interesting times.....
I think David Davis is the only candidate who can make a convincing and electable Brexit PM. His Canada+++ plan was vetoed by May and her unelected deep-state Whitehall puppet-masters precisely because it represented a clean and, so we are told by those who have seen it, including, tellingly the EU negotiators, a workable solution, which would never do for those pulling May's strings who are determined to revoke Brexit surreptitiously. Davis is probably not a viable long-term PM because though he is a serious figure, he isn't charismatic enough for our vain and shallow political age, but he is about the only person with the inside knowledge, the strategy and the willingness to carry the Brexit hot potato forward to its conclusion without being fazed, and he commands the broad respect of the parliamentary party, on both sides of the debate. Thereafter he would probably step down, possibly in 2020 but certainly by 2027 so that some ventriloquist's dummy can take over and normal (dis)service to our country be resumed.
normal dis service can resume. sounds to me that thats what the brexiteers (on ere) wanted. Brexit is the logical extension of the Thatcher agenda. As the financial crash starkly highlighted the failures of the free market, and support for the NHS in particular began to thwart the Tories vision of a privatised society, Brexit gave them renewed hope and opportunity. The Brexiteers know full well that Brexit will be a catastrophe and that is exactly what they want. The economic and social disruption that will inevitably follow Brexit will allow the Tories to implement what Naomi Klein called The Shock Doctrine, and the triumph of what she termed, disaster capitalism; the exploitation of national disruption and crisis. This is the methodology whereby free marketeers utilise national crises to impose previously unacceptable economic and social policies on a nation reeling from national shock, more deregulation of the financial system, privatisation of the NHS, further cuts to public services and ever deepening austerity. 20-40 years to recover to a new poverty norm.