Good evening Ducati experts of the world. I’ve been lurking on the site for a while but this is the first time I’ve asked for help. I have a 1260s skyhook multistrada. At the weekend I noticed a bit of gravel had got stuck in rear coil spring and chewed through the yellow paint. It’s made quite mess, and it’s going to bug me. The question is, should I repowder coat in yellow,or Does anyone know the details for an ohlins replacement spring. I appreciate an Ohlins spring will make no difference but it’s yellow. I go away on saturday and can probably get a spring by Thursday, where as powder coat will take longer. There are no markings on standard spring so distributors don’t know precise details. Any help appreciated
If it's sky hook then it's not an ohlins spring. Having a spring powder coated is not an issue as long as they don't overheat it. Personally I would live with it for a bit, keep an eye out for a spare spring (assuming its the same as the 1200 one), and then if it really bugs you, do it.
Thanks for the reply John. I appreciate skyhook isn’t ohlins. Ducati don’t supply springs, only complete units. Ohlins spring about £85. Powder coat £30. If I could find spec of spring I can order ogling as a replacement?
The Ohlins springs were constant rate, whereas when skyhook was introduced they were changed to be rising rate. I don't know about the latest ones, as I've not checked them. In order to get a replacement spring you would need to know its spec (ID, unloaded length, rate(s) ). Either that or just wing it. It may not be the same ID or length as the ohlins units. The original ohlins were 85N/mm, with a stronger 100N/mm spring available. Here is a link to the uprated ohlins spring (first one I found, so possibly not the cheapest): I would ignore it, or use a shock sock as JH said. Hope that helps.
Thank you for your response's, I removed shock last night and hopefully I have found a pretty good colour match with a little pot of Humbrol model paint. I'll find out later when I get home. Not looking forward to the refit, the shock it fine to install its the routing of all the wires and passing connectors through really tight places. Fingers crosssed
Just had a panic then. Just been out to garage to check. Phew didn’t think I’d seen any marks on shaft, it’s a deceiving photo.All is good, but when I checked the previous photos it does look bad. I removed shock and touched up with humbrol enamel in the end. Took a while to remove and reinstall though.
I've just brought up the exact same problem with my local dealer and they are going to take photos and send them off to Ducati and hopefully get a replacement unit under warranty when its in for its 9k, so my Q to you is.... why have you not done the same ?? Mine is a 2016 DVT with 8.5k miles on
To get a replacement spring why not ring an Ohlins dealer (for the yellow) and ask them to supply a spring for your weight and let them work out the rate? TB
Could you not get a couple of shock socks for the winter, swap over once a month when you put the washing on, then throw the dirty one in and clean one on.
last time I brought an new Ohlins spring I was pleasantly surprised at the relative low cost, iirc it was something like £38 via a Ducati dealer (P&H)
I think that was some time ago though John, ohlins prices are still quite reasonable but I have just ordered a new spring at £98, lower bush £38.
I didnt go back to the dealer as I did not think that it was a warranty issue. I rode the bike, it got damaged as a result of riding it. Its not anybodies fault, it happens. I would not complain under warranty if a stick got trapped in my wheel and scratched it.
I purchased one not ao long ago, although for an 848 TTX shock and it was around £80, to be fair I expected it to be more
For info - I have repainted shock springs in the past with Hammerite yellow from a rattle can. It is virtually indistinguishable from the Öhlins yellow and has enough flex that it stays on and doesn't crack.
Do your trip & enjoy yourself. Come home & carefully sand the damaged bits down & add primer to cover the bear metal. Then find some radiator yellow paint from a local hardware store.
I get where your coming from Stripey but i'm convinced my damaged has occurred because the drain hole got blocked and therefore the water sat lying in the swing arm, this then in turn allowed bits of grit to also build up and get trapped between bottom 2 springs and then cause the damage so therefor a design fault as far as im concerned