Giving Up Riding & Selling The Scrambler :(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by webbo, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Can’t you just hang on to the scrambler for a few more months while your fixing yourself

    I hear you too and back pain is torture and I hope you get sorted out
    • Agree Agree x 1

  2. Due to the circumstances and my worry about my finances, I'm using the money from the Scrambler to pay off a credit card which will mean I'm totally debt free then.

    Cookster... I fancy getting hold of something older which I can rebuild and tinker with. :)

    Thank you to everyone for their kind words.
    • Like Like x 3
  3. I understand that
  4. you need to stop relying on so called "experts" who do it as a living,go get yourself a decent make inversion table,learn to visualise the area where the pain is worst and use the table ,in small doses, to move the various parts involved apart etc.

    best thing i ever did was get one,after going through a jeep windscreen backwards at high speed many years ago,breaking and rearranging most of it in the process.
    i visited many many "experts",most were people whod done an evening class or two and had less skills than a primary school teacher has degrees in teaching... :(

    i still ride,and whilst i still have to be careful avoiding certain positions(wiping my arse is lots of hilarity) im just as capable now as any other 60yr old.
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  5. Ahh mate I'm so sorry to hear this. I remember seeing you at the Ducati Track day riding the Scrambler. I hope one day soon you can get back on a bike after a fully recovery. All the best to you buddy.
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  6. All the best Webbo, hope you get well soon :upyeah: and back on a bike.
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  7. I am sorry to read this, I've had back problems in the past and it can be really, really debilitating. In fact my Mum is permanently on painkillers because of back problems, so much so she's almost immune to them. I keep telling her to smoke marry-jew-arna or at least take CBD oil but she won't. I do think cream_revenge's suggestion is the best as a) you can keep tinkering, b) you'll get a cracking bike at the end of it which you can ride or sell to finance the next doer-upper (and buy some beers) and c) you get to rest your back. GLWS and GLWYB.
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  8. Sorry to hear a fellow back pain sufferer for the last 37 years or so. As as a result I genuinely feel i am far more knowledgeable on this matter than any GP i have met. Do you have a diagnosis?
  9. Just concentrate on getting better, bikes are just bikes, I had a stroke and getting back right is my main focus, I got leathers in the wardrobe, 5 helmets by my bed and two bikes in the house but it's all unimportant right now, maybe next year I will ride again maybe I won't, maybe in two years maybe five.

    just get better, no timescale or pressure, someone somewhere can help you I'm sure of it, my dad was doing Pilates earlier this year and it totally helped a back problem that he did not go to Pilates to cure, try different things you never know what might work for you, funny that once when I was working doing Christmas lights in a shopping centre I did my back I often do my back actually but anyway as said above I went for a dump I had a lot of clothes on so wiping my arse was as awkward to say the least but you know what that technically challenging wipe cured it .......if I get a back problem now I put on a couple of winter coats and go for a Richard the 3rd :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  10. No diagnosis yet.
    I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia which is probably causing some issues but nothing I can't deal with.
    The main problem and subsequent smaller problems are I believe an impingement of a nerve.
    I've not actually seen a back specialist in 2.5 years so going to pay private to try and see a proper consultant.
    My L5 S1 disc is protruding and L4 L5 disc is torn but apparently not creating any problems. I'm not so sure.
    I've my 8th MRI scan tomorrow evening which will be hopefully telling as I've not had one for over 12 months.

    Thanks once again everyone.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  11. I'm intrigued by the inversion tables, have you any more info?

  12. I might try that lol.

    Hope you get yourself sorted soon chap.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. You too, stay on here it won't do you any harm, lot of knowledge on here other than bikes
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  14. Such a shame to
    Hear this. I myself had to give up competitive motocross from breaking my back and neck in Belgium.
    Lots of screws plates and metal rods later I got back on a bike. Stiff as a board in the mornings and I look like yoda on a bad day when cold but managed to get back
    On bikes. Dirt bikes and road bikes as well. Not the most ergonomically pleasant thing a Ducati or mv but still happening.
    All I can
    Say is don’t
    Rush it as you never know what’s round the corner and could be back burning rubber soon.
    Good luck my man
    • Like Like x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. sorry, you're struggling with your back at the moment - it's a b@stard!!!. Don't panic the despair you are feeling at the moment is quite normal: I did a lot of reading on mental state during injury once upon a time most of the thinking is bastardisation of the grief phases identified by Kubler Ross... anyway understanding where you are in the cycle might help with your recovery as you can consciously make decisions about how you move forward which speeds recovery. Summary here:

    Anyway I have one of these something like - bought to help relieve lower back pain. The theory is that the discs in your back are always in a state of compression and by hanging upside down it takes the pressure off. It certainly helps - in one instance i heard a crack and the pain was instantly gone (i assume something had locked up). I dont use it so much now (stored in the garage). Might break it out to see if the extra blood in my head from hanging upside down will help my hair grow back...

    Basically you set it for your height and it gently pivots over when you raise your hands above your head it comes back up again by putting your hands back by your side - Warning if you forget and say set it for someone 9" shorter than you, you spin round at 100 mph which is hilarious for every one watching :pensive: it is also quite difficult to get the right way up again and if you get stuck you burst all the blood vessels round your eyes.. (i was there for a while :pensive: )

    The following seems to keep the back pain at bay for me: lose a bit of weight, increase flexibility and improve core stability edit: and stay hydrated
    #36 MDUBZ, Sep 27, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. if you do have a trapped nerve i would suggest you ask about being given naproxen and pregablin which is effective against nerve pain, cocodomol, tramadol etc will not work effectively with nerve pain. Good to hear MRI is being done, that should give alot more info.
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  17. Fair point, problem is it's pretty mint doesn't need anything lol, ok maybe a polish
  18. Hey Webbo, like many people on here I suffer greatly with my back. I’ve tried loads and loads of things to avoid the inevitable climb off 2 wheels and into the wrong sort of 4 wheels, and I’d be really happy to chat with you about all the things I’ve tried. You never know, there might be something that lands for you. I can tell you this though: rest is the enemy. Don’t rest.

    Anyway, if you ever want to chat I’m on 07760178040. I’d be happy to help if I can chum, or, we could just loudly curse all those selfish bastards who don’t move around as if made of Aldi spaghetti.
  19. Be careful with those intro table thingies my cousin used one and ended up not being able to walk and her bladder stopped working due to the discs that had pressed against her spinal cord
    She has had an op and so far so good
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