Packed suitcase for trip to Italy. Finalized instructions for house sitters. Listened to weather forecast for Minnesota, "freeze warnings" tonight. Hoping our travel trailer plumbing doesn't freeze and crack since we can't do anything about it now ... ...currently sitting at JFK airport waiting to board flight to Venice. Overbooked flight, they're upping the ante for volunteers to stay behind for a day. Hope they don't have to resort to picking volunteers!
Food s h o p p i n g this morning very early in & out is my motto,a bit in the garden this afternoon with a tiny ride out
My daughter and her fiancé are up for the weekend from that there London. They are getting married next year and have decided to make there own wedding bands. I’ve had my late dad’s wedding ring for many years and so we decided to let them use it to make their own.
I can understand your frustration. living opposite must have taken its toll over the years Don’t leave any prints.
Cleaned the VW T6 van by hand and polished it, it was a bit warm in the sunshine I had a right sweat on , then some quick shopping and decided to do the car as well, I’m fooked now and I’ve got to go to Cardiff later.
I'm not joking....look what just fell out of the ceiling... Am I right in thinking that's from a mk5 spitfire?