Unbeliever. So who was the Consigliere to the bloke that wot pulled the sword from the rock eh? Answer me that!
Pretty sure doesn't cut it. It was Bing Crosby, who in classic American style introduced the handgun to the court of King Arthur.
Oooh, look who doesn't know a Hollywood Hoax when he sees one! : o D Besides, everyone knows that King Arthur's group used Winchester repeating rifles.
^ Love it, that must be a really popular attraction when selling. Above specification looks like buyer is planning to stay there for at least 40 years.
Ok. Here my take on the popping up debate. Increase drag. Yes! (Have you seen the DRS effect in F1 and that’s a 50mm gap in the the rear wing flap) Raise c of g to aide weight transfers to the front tyre. Increasing grip. (Ever grabbed the front in a panic at low speed and locked up?) Help support your upper body under hard braking. And help weight transfer to initiate the turn. (Try turning into a corner tucked in and not hanging off the side.)