You've got to be S**t**g me! ?!*!?**!?!?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sev, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. did they work for woolworths, jessops, HMV, etc etc blah blah blah...??? shame they werent on the management team....couldve claimed and sat on a fat pension at the same time....there are lots of people using the system one way or another, and who can blame them with the amount of thieving that our politicians, bankers, 'celebs', captains of industry, monarchy, corporations, CEO's etc etc blah blah blah....
  2. I can honestly say that given a choice of working for £15k or taking £18k of handouts i'd take the work. I have my pride.
  3. and besides, there only a certain amount of daytime tv anybody can take
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  4. i take your point, and its your work ethic, morals and pride that the powers that be readily abuse to keep us all in a perpetual spiral of debt and meagre wages as the profits pile up....

    if we can create a banking system not based on interest (and therefore eliminate the never ending cycle of boom, bust and debt as the currency is constantly devalued) it will stop all of the money we earn travelling upwards, increase social mobility, decrease financial crime, increase our standards of living, the health service, infrastructure, invention, industry, job security, and reduce the yawning chasm that is ever widening between the haves and the other 99% of us who are 'comfortably poor' as self-made billionaire, Felix Dennis puts it.

    There are some very interesting proposals of alternative, workable banking systems that do not require the use of interest..check them out, they are very inspirational and elegantly simple, particularly because they are so logical and sensible rather than idealistic or naive..the real naivety is to think everything is just and fair, and even sustainable...unless we the masses begin to address and deny them our consent, i feel that we will live our lives on this never ending hamster wheel in perpetuity for generations...

    do a bit of research and look into some of the alternative money strategies...its time banks literally stopped stealing our money (for one example from thousands, how about PPI anybody?)...
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  5. 17k i wish and i work for a living

    wrong on so many levels......................
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  6. Calm down Ladies and Gentleman,remember in the meedja they call it a "story".....and there's sweet F.A we can do about the useless parasites anyway.Go look in yer garage/shed/workshop/whatever to remind yourself what life's really all about.Then revel in the fact that the twat will never enjoy riding a Duke...:biggrin:
  7. I have absolutely no time for idle useless wastrels such as these. The first thing I would do is stop their job seekers allowance, as they clearly have no intention of looking for a job.

    I also struggle to understand a system that hands out more than the minimum wage.

    I agree with the posters who say that receiving benefit should be linked to adding some value back (someone suggested community work).
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  8. If you think about it, it is actually a good phrase. Just infamous for the wrong reasons.

    Work sets you free.. From the poor house
  9. And in that language with that addition I'm fully with you. :upyeah:
  10. Its better than that, about a pound for 5.56 ball round and Id happily pull the trigger. Id save even more money by putting their heads together and using one round.
    Selfish, idol, ungrateful little fucks. Every man and who went out and fought in the world wars are turning in their graves knowing they gave their lives so the sum of society are able to breed and fester, kept by the blood sweat and tears of decent hard working folk. Iv Pte soldiers who sacrifice everything to get on the front line, some their lives and these boys who become men earn less money than these waste of skin oxygen thieves are given...BY YOU AND I.
  11. Ironically, the wars were fought to allow these sort of freedoms, and to stop the Nazis wiping out anyone that they thought was not a worthwhile human.
  12. The loos at services stations always need a clean :wink:
  13. I'd love to think this would work, but you have to remember these people have a wierd sense of entitlement, if they didn't get money for free they would just go out and take what they want.

    The concept of posessions being the reward for hard work and commitment simply doesn't register on their radar. They see someone with a nice house and a nice car or bike and they think 'rich knobend' and just assume these things come easily.
  14. were you originally against the minimum wage? If there was no minimum wage to quote what would be your financial base line?
    what are your thoughts on ATOS rejecting the claims of people who are unfit for work?
    what are thoughts on companies not paying tax, bankers bonuses etc..are these crimes more or less significant?
    Im not provoking a row, im just interested to gain an insight into your values and reasoning.
  15. Mr. Rimpler,

    I am definitely for a minimum wage, and even though I am part of "the management" where I work, I have supported wage claims well in excess of this minimum.

    What I am against is paying people more on benefits who refuse to work for a living (when they have no other reason than that they are lazy) than other folks get paid for an honest days work.

    If people are genuinely unfit for work, they deserve the benefits appropriate to them. I have no problem with that either.

    Companies not paying tax through legal avoidance and bankers earning huge bonuses are unfortunately no more criminal than those two wasters in Portsmouth being given £17k per annum.

    I am totally for hard working folks or those who would prefer to be at work but are not able to for reasons beyond their control.

    What I am against are individuals, companies and other agencies who take the piss.

    I hope that gives you a better insight into my values and reasoning.

    I know from other posts you have made that you have been treated appallingly, and I wish you all the best in getting things sorted out.

    Like youself, I have no desire for a row, but like most others on this forum, am quite happy to exchange points of view, whether we agree or not.

    Regards, SH
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  16. Facing the threat of being shot down in flames im going to side with the couple, the minimum wage is derisory, and the object of our ire should be the fat cats and bankers in the system.

    Part of my argument is this, in the 1960's the average worker earned roughly 4 times less than the big boss, ie the CEO of a company earned 4 times the lowest paid employee, now the CEO of a big US COMPANY EARNS 400-500 times the salary of the lowest paid employee, even in the uk it is about 22 times, 75 times for Barclays. The CEOs pay has increased year on year adjusted for inflation since 1990 by 300% (US figures, the UK is just as bad) whereas the low paid has virtually stood still. So the minimum wage should be about £12 or more an hour. This is still less than the average hourly wage.

    Until the government sorts it out and redistributes the wealth this is only going to get worse, very simplistic but still.

    Some sources.

    Why has executive pay increased so drastically? | Money |

  17. Soup, I can't argue against that..
  18. Just to be clear the directors of a company are paid what the owners perceive to be the amount required to keep them. If you don't perform as a director you can be out of work through a simple vote of no confidence. So whilst everyone is bleating about 'fat cats' and executive pay, you only have to ask the owners why they pay so much? Presumably they return more wealth to the owners than if they didn't pay for them?

    It always amuses me that executive pay raises more contempt than footballers or entertainers who are presumably rewarded for creativity? Comedians are currently amongst the highest earners in the UK and their contribution? Talking to an arena full of people and making them laugh for 90 minutes? then repeating the same night after night at other arenas and earning enough to have to worry about tax avoidance.

    As for minimum wage it's required and benefits they should be restricted for those people who genuinely cannot fend for themselves through ill health. If you can work there should be no benefits, you quickly learn how to fend for yourself.
  19. The rich will always be rich. The poor will always be poor. The end.
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  20. I love that one " makes my piss boil" I will be using that one in future.

    Regards Steve
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