British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. a member of the uk single market :rolleyes: applies to the EU for 160mil to help farmers farm their fertile yet hard to access land, the member succeeds and the payment is given to the Gov of the uk single market :rolleyes: to pass on, the uk Gov gives the 160mill to the bigger neighbor. the uk ok press slam the smaller neighbor for budget cuts to its own farmers.
    the uk loves its farmers. all of em, the people of the uk want self sufficiency while its Gov is doing all it can to close many of them down. Westminster rocks, lets give em more power.
    #16261 finm, Oct 20, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Poor old finial, everyday he wakes up, he has his, only Scotland exists head on.

    You can imagine it now, we've all been there. You're walking down the aisles in the local Tesco's and you see the angry Vegan, grrr meat's in it, ggrrr dairy products in it cvvvvvvvnts

    Well imagine you're walking down the aisles in fins local Tesco's and you hear fin first, before you see him,
    reading the labels
    Grrrrr made in the U.K. , cvnts
    Grrrrrr made in England , cvnts
    Grrr comes from London, cvnts
    Grrr wait.....made in Scotland...tasty..gggrrrrrr made by an English company, grrr cvvvvvvvnts

    Last time the mrs let him lose on the weekly shopping, he went missing for 3 hours and only came back with a copy of "The National"
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  3. made in the EU grr.
    not about me? grr.
    why isnt the uk called Essex? grr
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Not enough sunbeds or cocaine for everyone in the U.K. , silly everyone knows that
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  5. well, if your a good example of how the British press work, which you are, so i suspect most know mostly, fug all.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
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  6. Dare a Government that does not have its own majority in Parliament, ignore a protest of nearly quarter of a million people demanding a say???
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Depends. If the other 32.5m are ok to go with the original verdict and follow thru on democracy.

    Would you be as vehement if it was leavers protesting after lost a vote by a narrow margin? Suspect not ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Corrected for you. :rolleyes:

    So you think a march by 250,000 people trumps the votes of 17.4m people in a referendum then? :) Democracy is a very strange concept in your mind.
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  9. When will these people grasp the fact that a vote was taken and the majority voted to leave, I was distraught when Blair got in but I had to take it on the chin. This is getting so boring now.
    I pray for a new political party as these spineless, useless clowns are totally inept.
    We know a stitch up is coming and then they will feel the anger of the leave voters. Up to now us, the grown ups, have kept a dignified silence. I fear not for much longer.
    Honour the result you disgusting rabble. Pathetic.
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  10. It's the total blinkered denial of bwaaaah we lost and we want another one, that they continually deny

    Had a beer at lunch time with a few buddies and one mentioned the march as "what are you afraid of with a second referendum?" I asked him why would they have another referendum if they ignore the results?, beyond echo chamber answers, he had nothing to offer.

    Still, they had a nice sunny day out, mayor Khan found a camera crew and judging by the signs, loads of people with grumbles, most not brexit related, got to have a grumble for their "I was there" post on their instagram and facebook page. :upyeah:
    #16271 noobie, Oct 20, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
  11. i suspect its the way its being handled that getting people on the street, perfectly legitimate and all part of the democratic process. sovereignty!.
    we are the state and we say yes
    well, we are the people and we say naw!.
    would they have scrapped the poll tax if people sat on their hands?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  12. The majority of the leave voters have now passed off this mortal coil. :D

    The problem is the Leave campaign made promises they knew they could never ever keep as they were totally unrealistic and in many cases actually impossible.

    That's why we should have a say on where we go from here.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. A unqualified total of a mixture of young and old, many of which do not have voting rights yet.

    So a figure far likely lower than that of 700k, which even if all had voting rights, at its highest it merely resembles that of only 4% of the voters who wanted Brexit.

    Damn democracy
  14. They keep saying the Leave campaign lied to us, everyone I know who voted Leave did so with their heart. Surely anyone with an ounce of intelligence stopped listening to politicians years ago.
    The day of the referendum I was proud to be British for the first time in years. Those bastards tried to scare us with all these nightmares scenarios and still the majority voted to leave.
    This country still has pride and bravery at its core, just as it always has. All those brave people who have fallen for us and this great nation would be horrified to see these cowards in power and pathetic people who do not understand democracy.
    Grow a backbone!
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  15. They have been trying to overturn the decision from almost the day after the result, you can't claim that the woeful position May has got to with the negotiations fuelled this.

    Remember the court cases before Article 50 was even triggered to try and stop that? We've had The House of Lords, busses, claims of racism, we didn't know what we were voting for, we didn't know the deal, the referendum was only advisory, a 2nd referendum and now a people's vote. Claims of lies are a bit rich given George Osbourne's bahavior before and since the referendum, conveniently forgotten about. The only reason these protests are taking place is because May is possibly the worst PM in history, so weak willed, with no back bone, no majority and no belief in Brexit. She and Olly Robbins have deliberatley undermined our position to get us where we are today. Fortunately for the UK, she's almost out of moves and I can't see how she gets to her end game now.

    I know these things for a fact.
    • Cameron said he would trigger Article 50 on the day after the referendum if the country voted to leave.
    • The Gov't (and every MP at the time) said it would respect the vote and there would be no 2nd referendum (expecting to win)
    • Almost everyone involved said we'd leave the Customs Union and Single Market, on both sides.
    • May said "Leave mease leave"
    • The question wasn't about the economy or a deal. The question was, do we ramain in the EU. It was a binary choice.
    • The UK voted to leave the EU
    Hopefully she'll be gone very soon and we can get things back on track. A vote of no confidence now has to be imminent, I'm convinced of it.

    For what it's worth, I think any vote would have an even greater majority for leave today. People are annoyed and have seen the ugly side of the EU over the last 3 years. The UK people don't take kindly to attempts at bullying, it's a card the SNP play against "Westminster" to whip up the support for Indy in your part of the world. Unfortunately for the UK, the PM continues to hand over her dinner money and cowers in a corner. But we had a vote, 3 in fact if you count the last 2 G.E.'s. This isn't the best of 3 if you are on the losing side and why vote again when the remain side have no respect for the last result?

    Don't worry, the whole of the UK will be better off once we're out, you lot included. :) :upyeah:
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  16. cowards in power? its the present gov and those they take there advice from, that did this. not parliament.
    yip, quite important that, many of which don't have voting rights, YET.
    i'v done one or two these things of late, the people you meet and the convos you have can be quite interesting. i would say most chats started with brexit first, then ....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. tell me about the uk being better off including my lot.
    maybe just before i post that vid again about all the major players citing staying in the custom union and single market.
    maybe you could show me the in depth proposal, vote leave produced so we can compare notes.
    dude, protesting is part of yours and my democratic right. isn't this what you voted out for?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Yeah, coz hundreds of pages in, we’ll manage to change each other’s minds.

    I’m off to eat my Chinese instead :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Not sure the lies matter either way.

    The vote was simply: remain in EU OR leave the EU.

    Even the most idiotic of voter knows what STAY and LEAVE mean.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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