British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. :upyeah:
    • Love You Love You x 1
  2. farrage was never done talking about how good it would be to be like norway.
    i do too btw. but i suspect farage didnt know their oil industry is mostly nationalized. but he did know they where in the EEA. is that in or out of the EU?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. loz, why where you not there and marching on Westminster?
    you could of wore yer victory shoes and everfink.
    did Guido instruct you stay away?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Both sides lied. Who cares?! It was STAY or LEAVE. Simple.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. :D
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  6. Fin, it's easy to attack the leave vote if you lost and I get it, it's not for everyone but given some of your comments about lies, democracy and second votes can I ask, no trick questions, what your thoughts would be on the following

    In 2014 the Scots had their independence referendum, as you know, the good people of Scotland voted to stay within the U.K. by a democratic majority vote.

    Now, lets say it had been the opposite and the vote was to leave.

    now imagine before the indi vote had even been acted on and during negotiations, those Scots who had been on the losing side, demanded that there be a second referendum.

    The reasons they might give is that they were lied too
    (1) One of the key promises of the snp were based on oil prices possibly reaching upto $130 a barrel even though in that september when the vote was, oil was at $85.61 a barrel, dropped to $35.64 a barrel in march 2016 and even today, is only at $73.25 and no one voted to be worse off
    (2) people who were 14/15 at the time felt their future had been taken from them but now they are old enough to vote, they should have a second vote as they now qualified (16 was the age for indi)
    (3) the deals that the snp promised such as no debt, but all the pro rata of assets, never happened
    (4) what was known in 2014 wasn't what turned out to be in 2016 before you moved to independence
    (5) they should be allowed to have a second indi vote before the first one is implemented because that is democracy and if you do not allow it, what are you afraid of?

    Now, bearing in mind what you have yourself advocated fin, would you say those asking for a second vote on Scottish independence before it was implemented from the first vote, should they be allowed a second vote, or not? and why?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. Norways oil revenues go into a sovereign fund for the benefit of the Nation. The U.K. revenues from oil were used for the benefit of a very few.

    Norway still has much of its revenue.

    The UKs was pissed up the wall long ago.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Have you been talking to the saturday boy at halfords again duke when you bought some oil?
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  9. always with the massive posts. anyhoo, as pretty much always, if you start yer point with an inaccuracy i tend to skip the rest. whats the point if yer trying to argue 2+2 make 5?. life is to short
    firstly i haven't said there should be a second brexit vote. the thread is about brexit right? so, is there any point in going on? but i will, but in a mo, sombody more interesting has messaged me.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. That's a bit harsh fella, isn't the saturday boy at Halfords allowed to have an opinion, or are implying something else ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. The reasons they might give is that they were lied too
    (1) One of the key promises of the snp were based on oil prices possibly reaching upto $130 a barrel even though in that september when the vote was, oil was at $85.61 a barrel, dropped to $35.64 a barrel in march 2016 and even today, is only at $73.25 and no one voted to be worse off
    bollox. believing yer own headlines? 2+2 does not equal 5.
    i could go back and check but i think oil was around $95 a barrel, but had topped 130 earlier in the year, how much do you think it costs to extract a barrel? how low has the price been but Norway (farages utopia and a member of the EEA) still turns a profit?. how volatile is the banking sector in London that accounts for about 70% of your economy?
    while its a part of the our economy, the fear of insatiability of prices was deffo installed by the by "better together" and by 99.9% of commentators and press. the amount left in the north sea was also used. apparently it was running out only for massive discoveries being announced within days of the count. funny that, but, it did make people ask, hmm, i thought we where doomed, i thought it was running out? the oil price crashed to $30 a barrel in early 2015 but still our economy grew, which lead people to ask themselves, i thought we only had oil. wtf? there's two question being revisited, straight off the back of the reff. staying with hydrocarbons, within one week of the the reff being held, the uk gov announced it was gonna sell licenses to frack the central belt despite a consultation stating 99% of the country didn't want it. hmm, i thought we where gonna be listened to, wtf? there's 3 questions and one promise broken with in a week.
    staying with energy, a 1bill investment in carbon capture projects for the N/E was used as a carrot leading up to the count, within months the project was cancelled.
    3 questions and 2 major promises broken. remember, if we are to respect the vote, the promises must also be respected. with the media not covering these story's, it takes a bit of time for it to filter through, there's a head of steam building due to the bull from lab/con in 2014. take it up with them. that's enough of the oil question. i aint debating it with you, people can check if they like. or not. their choice.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. 2) people who were 14/15 at the time felt their future had been taken from them but now they are old enough to vote, they should have a second vote as they now qualified (16 was the age for indi)
    i dont know what point your making here. where you on the wine?
    but yip, come the day they will be able to vote in the next mandated vote, so will mainland EU citizens that where told they would be forced to leave the contry in the event of a YES win...uh huh.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. A 16yr old knows fuck all about fuck all. Voting should be lifted to 21 not reduced.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. how patronizing. a 70year cant remember fuck all, and is easy to scare, take away their vote.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. (3) the deals that the snp promised such as no debt, but all the pro rata of assets, never happened
    bollox. get off the wine and get a life. the paying of our share of uk debt was extensively covered. again i aint debating this with you, people can check if they're interested. remember, we had a white paper that could be debated, unlike?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Wrong. With age comes wisdom. Even in the 5 years from leaving school, for most the view of the world entirely changes. Realism comes in and ideology out more.

    Which makes for good decisions
  17. (4) what was known in 2014 wasn't what turned out to be in 2016 before you moved to independence.
    yer damn tootin, we didnt know uk debt was gonna double and that we where gonna get taken out the EU by the votes of another country. no official commitment to an EU reff was made until late 2014 after the reff. nobody knew that the torys would win a majority at that time and nobody expected the EU vote would be lost. many of the people i spoke to on these demostrations thought you and yours in this family of nations could be so dumb. i guess that's why many of those previous NO voters are attending these indi reff demonstrations now.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. at 16 years of age they have all experienced 16years of governance. have a lil more faith. most kids at 16 are on it. i cant think of a single 16year old that has trashed the economy, divided a nation or started a war. unless you go back several centuries right enough. but even then, that would of been on the advise of their older wiser advisors..:rolleyes:.
    you can state yer case, i cant see you changing my mind tho.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. I wonder if our ex PM Jock Cameron hiding away in his shed would agree you ?
  20. Would these be the same 16yr olds that need ‘safe spaces ‘ so they can express their opinions and thoughts? Or that are encouraged not to compete?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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