British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Allow me to give you my personal reply.

    I'm still alive and intend to be here for quite a few years yet.

    Whatever Boris said or anyone else for Brexit didn't affect my vote so I wasn't lied to.

    Here's a few reasons that make my Blood boil, in no particular order.
    1) When the 2008 financial crisis came along and all the countries had to adopt an austerity plan and make cut backs as a result. Tusk and Barnier are so out of touch with anything that at that time they were asking for more money for their budgets from the countries that were cutting back.
    2) I class Euro bureaucrats the same as pigs with their snout in troughs. When failed politicians eg Kinnock and his wife get appointed as Euro commissioners (not elected) you know we're in trouble.
    3) I'm not against Johnny foreigner coming here to work but sending child benefits or any other benefits back to Poland or wherever beggers belief.
    4) If the UK government is crap I will accept that as I had the opportunity to vote and they were voted in. When a government in Greece, Italy, Ireland or Spain that has nothing to do with me ignores the EU fiscal rules F**ks up their economy and expects my tax £ to bail them out thats not for me.
    5) I believe in Human Rights, but some of the judgements that have come out of Brussels go beyond ludicrous.
    6) Repeating referendums until the desired result is obtained is a typical EU tactic.
    7) The EU experiment is good ideology for economists, politicians and global corporations that is doomed to fail in practice. Any link with the absurd trickle down theory would be idiotic.

    So in conclusion nothings happened to make me change my mind.

    Warm regards
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  2. (5) they should be allowed to have a second indi vote before the first one is implemented because that is democracy and if you do not allow it, what are you afraid of?

    Now, bearing in mind what you have yourself advocated fin, would you say those asking for a second vote on Scottish independence before it was implemented from the first vote, should they be allowed a second vote, or not? and why?
    *sigh* wtf are you on? the Scotland act came in to force in 2016. that's 2 years ago btw. tho, what came in in 2016 wasn't what was promised in 2014.
    in 2014 we where promised the most powerful devolved parliament in the history of parliaments. the uk gov knew when the edibro agreement was signed the people of Scotland didn't want separation, it did however, by about 70%, want DEVO Max. Salmond wanted devo max as an option on polling day. Cameron refused. in the days leading up to September 2014 the polls where showing a win for YES, the three UK party leaders offered devo max and the Parliament being made permanent in law, along with any extra financial powers secured. the polls dropped, YES lost and Smith began (the consultation for devolution of more powers). as the architects of the "Vow" the end of SLab was inevitable due to their actions during Smith.
    they blocked every power they promised during the campaign, even the torys offered more, only giving ground on income tax (not avoidance) and some welfare powers and so smith was watered down, to the point where the SoS for Scotland, fluffy mundell, openly boasted it was a trap set by labour. the permanence of Parliament or devolved powers where never made law ether. as you know, power devolved is power retained.
    the party with its origins in Scotland, the party of home rule, fucked over the country in an epic UK Parliament stylie. the very reason why 45% of the country went out to vote YES in the first place.
    fuck labour. they loves their ermine to much.
    i'v kinda lost count, so, how many promises and commitments broken now?
    respect for the result always hings on respect for the manifestos offered.
    better together didn't deliver their manifesto. take it up with them. i think its called democracy.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. dude, always read to the bottom of any article you read, the headline is always a lie.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. at least Loz is getting a giggle out of it. but not half as much as myself when it was confirmed you get yer info from guido fox i had my suspicions.
    (deliberate miss spell of fox btw) fox news faux news. :D yah monkey.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. 16yr olds.

    They have never had to work for anything at this point in their lives. They (mostly) have had the security of mommy and daddy paying for everything, from the roof over their heads to the iPhone they constantly have their noses pinned to. They are pandered to by a leftist education system that has told them that they are special and that all should be equal. Everything is the fault of the greedy and unequal capitalist system and they should continue to enjoy free stuff by taxing the greedy rich out of all of their wealth. They actually believe this stuff at their age and exposure to life. Jeremy shouting the same message is bound to appeal to their, yet to fully develop sense of reality.

    A few years down the line, when reality has kicked in, along with life experience, a mortgage payment and a few other shots of real life is when their opinions should be given more credence. Why not give them a weighted vote? A bit like I can check my contributions to my pension online to see how much I have paid into the system, give them a vote but with the worth of 1/10th of a 25yr old. :) Every year of life experience they rack up, they earn a 1/10th. :grinning:

    As above, they know fuck all, they have done fuck all. I have a 16yr old nephew, and a few weeks ago he had just bought some new stickers for his bike! :laughing: How many 16 year olds are CEO's of major corporations? (there will always be the odd techno-geek-Zuckernerd that invents FaceTube @ 14yr old by the way, I'm talking about the other 99.999999% of the demographic)

    The only people calling for 16yr olds to have the vote are the ones with a vested interest in harvesting the brainwashed votes of these yet to fully develop young adults. Sturgeon, Corbyn et all. It's tantamount to child grooming. :rolleyes:
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  6. They have never had to work for anything at this point in their lives. They (mostly) have had the security of mommy and daddy paying for everything, from the roof over their heads to the iPhone they constantly have their noses pinned to. They are pandered to by a leftist education system that has told them that they are special and that all should be equal. Everything is the fault of the greedy and unequal capitalist system and they should continue to enjoy free stuff by taxing the greedy rich out of all of their wealth. They actually believe this stuff at their age and exposure to life. Jeremy shouting the same message is bound to appeal to their, yet to fully develop sense of reality.
    i always find quotes like this made by the older generation amusing, hypocrisy can be at times.
    mostly because you/my lot grew up in the "nanny state" era. most of yer average joe's got to the top through nationalized company's, usually with a job for life mentality. many of you would of been brought up in a council house, with free education or a good grant at least, prescriptions and hospital beds a plenty, housing and disability benefits that didnt leave you relying on food banks at the end of the week. freedom to work all over the EU. yip, short memories, hence why you should have you vote removed once your get to that forgetful age..
    most kids are a lot more savvy than you give em credit for.
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  7. Poor old fin - someone give him some false teeth so he can chew.....;)
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  8. That's your opinion. Mine is very different.

    The world as it is, is not sustainable. Unless Countries start working with each other and build a sustainable existence, then our lifespan on this Planet is very limited.
    It might not effect you and me but will certainly effect our children and most definitely our grandchildren.
    Those future generations are more aware of this than our generation is. I have no doubt they will reverse Brexit, even if we do not.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  9. They are normally called relevant information although, I understand anything more than "grrr tories at westminster" may find some struggling

    On the oil issue? nope, bang on the button, in regards to the pricing,

    And in regards to the indi financial situation being based on projections upto $130 a barrel, ladies and gentlemen I give you your own Scottish government who said this, paragraph 10 from the Scottish government indi and oil white paper

    “The purpose of the two funds is different. The stabilisation fund provides the mechanism for smoothing out the fluctuations in oil and gas prices. For example, the Scottish Government Oil and Gas Analytical Bulletin made forecasts for 2017/18 based on an oil price of $113 dollars a barrel. However a range of forecasts have been published. For example the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change and OECD are at the higher end, forecasting around $130 and over $150 respectively by the end of the decade."

    even today which is in the 2017/18 prediction of $113 a barrel, it is $73.25 or in English, you would have been right royally fucked had you had left....Your welcome

    Great, I'm second to a pm from duke, how will I ever survive the shame:D

    The reason why I asked you fin is that on brexit, people are very polarised BUT, trying to look for a comparative in modern times within the U.K. (yes you are still in it), the most recent independent referendum was the Scottish one 4 years ago (
    or in Scottish years, 12 generations ago)

    So I thought I would use some of the excuses used by brexit remainers for a second vote but align them as close as possible to events the the indi vote and simply asked, had the vote gone the indi way and those Scots who voted to stay within the U.K. then sought a second vote before the first and indi had been implemented, what would your feelings on that be?
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  10. but just for a bit of balance, these guys get chewed easily too. she brings in 20 mill apparently, and yer a bit too soft on immigration as well. fuggin morons
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Who you calling the older generation? :mad: I'm younger than you (I think) :laughing: There's only one reason you want 16yr olds to have a vote on Scottish independence and Brexit, because they would vote with you, no other reason than that.

    Anyway, I'm going to call my nephew to ask how his new stickers look. :) :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. i find nothing relevant in what you say, you always start with a lie. hence i just tend to glaze/ pass over yer drivel.
    sorry bud, but yer full of pish. regurgitating stuff from the express doesn't cut it for me.
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  13. yer about fifty? hmm, you wanna play with stickers?. hmm maybe only 15. :p
    i guess you want to avoid young people voting because they are more likely to vote against your values? they probably have a mountain of Friends from the EU they are more likely to understand the EU they have the most to lose from being out the EU, you haven't sold them the idea of "empire" your failing, not theirs.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. yip, an oil fund, not for general expenditure, the opposite from what yer maggie thatcher done.
    tell me mushroom maker, what was the uk govs predicted oil price at the time? more or less?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Agreed not for the post but that options are different. And it’s good to have different. :upyeah:
  16. What have they got to lose by being out of the EU then? :thinkingface: How many 16 year olds in your neck of the woods have a mountain of friends from the EU? You're losing the plot dude. :)
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. eh, my kids. my neighbors kids pretty much all kids, assuming their parents haven't taught them something different to what i have. do your children not have friends from mainland EU?
    what have they got to lose? offs.
    how is yer nephew getting on with his stickers btw?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Choosing not to answer the questions then. Predictable. :rolleyes: Go on, give it a try.
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