British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Little bird flu bombs? is that right Katie? i always thought you where a bit of a fanny, but you have now confirmed you have one.
  2. And don't forget the bagpipes and kilts.........

    The Irish and even the Gurkhas have them (and the firemen in the States, I think - but why???).
  3. back in the day, right up to the 1940 many Scots, Irish and Welsh where kicked of their land, they where forced to emigrate, they took their/our culture with them. then again in the eighties when magie thatcher closed these areas down. people whee forced to move to find work.
    i guess that the rights to freedom of movement has become part of our culture too. with the demise of the "empire" and now being removed from the EU, rule Britannia is proving a lil difficult to sell outwith engerland.
    #16383 finm, Oct 23, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. The bagpipes and kilts have some controversy as to whether there is any Scottish originality about them or whether they were at the time, modern adaptions of existing things

    On the bagpipes, the pipers of Thebes 400bc who were reported to be blowing pipes from a bag made of dogs skins and the kilt is a funny one, why would you wear a skirt in a country so cold? There are quite a few origin stories that the kilt came from asia, think Thailand and male skirts or Chut, which is a bit like those mc hammer type trousers than then became a more open and joined skirt. There is no doubt however the modern day kilt is attributed to the Scots, although never mention Thomas Rawlinson to a kilt historian :D
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  5. I'm puzzled, maybe blokes in skirts from Scotland were way ahead of their time and have caused a current identity problem without realising it?
  6. This is what we are escaping from; after the way Greece was treated and punished for a generation financially, now they are looking to impose authority over Italy:

    The European Commission has told Italy to revise its budget, an unprecedented move with regard to an EU member state.

    The Commission is worried about the impact of higher spending on already high levels of debt in Italy, the eurozone's third-biggest economy.

    Italy's governing populist parties have vowed to push ahead with campaign promises including a minimum income for the unemployed.

    The country now has three weeks to submit a new, draft budget to Brussels.
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  7. Is italy economy bigger than france?
  8. Sums it up.
  9. No, it's 4th after Germany, UK & France..... according to the IMF, who ought to know.
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  10. I just popped into this thread to try and catch up. Glad to see it' still the @noobie and @finm show ;) a right old ding dong going on. Keep it up lads.
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  11. I remember during the Brexit campaign there was various claims as to how much the U.K. put into the eu each year. Not the total to then get some back but the actual amount if we left, how much of a hole would our contributions leave the eu having to fill.

    This is report by the Irish agricultural budget oversight committee in May this year. If you want to avoid all the facts and figures and get to the meat on the bone, Scroll down about 3/4's of the article to the part headed, Budget Oversight Committee: Ireland paying disproportionate amount to eu budget.

    It discloses that the hole we will be leaving after the tooing and frowing going on means

    EU finance chiefs have signalled that the imminent loss of British contributions to the union’s budget may cost EU coffers €12 billion to €14 billion annually.

    which is quite a bit more than the £8 billion a year many of the remaining press and other organisations claimed.
    #16391 noobie, Oct 23, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
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  12. Yep, and who's going to pick up that tab? It'll fall to the other members to plug the hole in the budget, which inevitably means Germany & France, being the only ones which can afford it. It's no wonder the EU doesn't really want the UK to leave, it suddenly becomes a lot more expensive for all the others which will cause issues amongst their respective electorates along the lines of 'why are we paying for this'. Which in turn will lead to the rise of more nationalistic factions/parties which in turn will lead to the demise of the EU, which IMO is a shame.

    Damn, I've contributed to this thread and I promised myself I wouldn't get dragged in and embroiled in the vitriolic discussion... damn, damn, damn :scream::scream::scream:
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  13. An Irish ex MEP Brussels type chick who is married to my mate and lives in Dublin, said to me and another mate just after the vote - you fekking idjuts voting to leave, I cannot fekkin believe it so I can't, how can you be so thick! :mad:
    We said why? :thinkingface:
    She said: cause we'll get all the ferkin' imigrants now so we will yer rotten bastids :mad:
    True story! She was genuinely angry so she was...
    She went on to say if you were all as soft as that idjut Dukey all would be well in her world so it would.

    She's a clever bird so she is... :thinkingface:
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  14. If Italy don't change their Budget the EU want to fine them.

    The EU dont think Italy can afford their Budget so how do they think they can afford a fine on top.

    Italiaxit anyone ?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Wondered exactly the same..!
  16. bullshit :) not unless she was playing to the crowd of course.
    or, you struck it lucky to find one with a similar mind set to yersel, ferkin immigrants,?. uh huh. most immigrants from mainland EU hitting Ireland will even share a religion.
    who on the west coast, from liverpool all the way up to ullapool doesn't know or have met a load of Irishmen/woman over the years and ever heard them talk like that?.
    mate, the way you sow division you could walk into a job as a labour/tory Councillor in Glasgow tomorrow. they loves a bit of racial/religious tension so they do.
    the old glasgow that is.
  17. Gentle correction: The UK never adopted the Euro and thus is not in the Eurozone.

    The first correction is always gentle. Subsequent ones chafe! : o D
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  18. Glasgow is a rum old deal isn't it fin?

    Snp ran in the 2017 Glasgow council elections on the promise it would resolve the gender pay disparity that they blamed on the then Labour majority council. Since taking over, they haven't. Yesterday the snp government told one of the largest snp majority councils they will not provide any extra money. I know you don't like honesty fin so though blogs might help, I know you love those :D

    First from August explains the basics

    and one from your bible

    Peronally, so far those claiming gender gap disparities often have not used like for like on the actual jobs but on this one the courts decided they were correct and the electorate voted out the Labour majority because the snp said they would resolve it if they had the majority, and they got it but haven't.

    Perhaps they can ask this 1% for some money back?
  19. What's your DNA background, Ex? In fact what is anybodies? we are all migrants at some point in our history.

    If the UK suddenly became uninhabitable due to some nuclear accident or natural disaster ( global warming) and everyone else in the world said 'fuck you, its your problem not mine' don't you think you would be a tad miffed?

    I guarantee that the Government will pretend to ban immigration but the reality will be that nothing will change as we need people to come and work here to cover for those idle British who live off benefits.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Oh I walked into that one didn’t I ? :weary_face:
    Serves me right for not reading the post correctly. 3 bottles of double strength IPA tends to have that effect upon me.o_O I stand corrected and thank you for being gentle.

    Whilst Italy may be the 4th largest EU member state by GDP it is indeed the 3rd largest Eurozone state. Thankfully the UK never adopted the Euro.

    I am suitably chastised. :sob::sob:
    • Funny Funny x 3
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