Europe has constantly been told, you have lost touch with the people that put you there and then hid behind the eu commission ruling us rather than our elected officials. After a number of state elections, Germany now has far right in their own government and now the state parliaments too. They were warned, ignore the majority and people look for other sources to use their voice. After yet another kick in the clunge in another German state election, Merkel this morning has said she will step down as party leader but wants to remain chancellor. I'm not sure that is technically possible within her own party let alone the German political structure. If she is not allowed, a throw away guess, watch her apply for Junkers job when he leaves next year to make sure the eu remains under German control. Now more than ever a wto/free trade option makes sense as we could be about to make a deal with an organisation that might not be there in a few years or maybe so different that we might be locked in agreements no other countries in a revised eu, will be. Like a few of have said about the brexit vote, look beyond them versus us and start to look at what europe IS and what is going wrong that is causing such a directional change and not for the better. The far right always appear after continual stupidity and ignorance of the left. What remainers voted to stay in 2 years ago, is not the crumbling organisation that is in front of you today, Macron will be next now Merkel is falling, And that is before the Italians give the eu a good slapping
Brazil just voted a PM with ‘extreme right wing views’ and someone who ‘could take them back from 30yrs of democratic development to a dictatorship’. Made me think. Why is it that right wing (whatever that means now) is seen as anti-democratic even tho it encourages competition and choice, whereas left wing (same) is seen as democratic when it encourages conformity, state ownership, no individual citizen rights? Is it not the other way round?
Not really. 1. Any right wing seems to be deemed extreme right wing by MSM, all except the SNP who get away with nationalism where no one else can (which is a right wing thing these days according to MSM - our people above others, when actually its a protectionism the likes of Corbin and the workers partioes have called for for a decades) especially the BBC. They are voted in by the citizens of that country and yet it’s not democratic 2. Left wing is hailed as democratic when communism and other principles of workers party (Venezuela for example) would suggest it most certainly isn’t.
That has been the reality of elections of the last few years. If it isn't the party you want then people start calling them far..right or left. Trump is a good example where he's more a centrist republican but democrats love calling him the leader of the far right German AFD whilst having it's history in far right is now more of a right, Swedish democrats who hold the balance of power between the two existing parties again have a far right origin but many of its voters today coted because controlled immigration is called for after the damage that has been done by open doors, that doesn't make all the voters for them far right. Often parties on the fringes are successful because traditional parties have either lost touch or don't care about the people who have a vote. The eu commission don't give a shit about 500 million voters in europe because none will be appointed by those 500 million and none will be replaced by those 500 million. Often the losing side use the far.... title to make others seem unpalatable but come vote time, they are very palatable.
here i some reading for yah
apparently there is more oil in Scottish waters than Kuwait have. only half of it has been extracted, it saved yer financial skins in the seventy's. one of yer biggest exports is Scottish. has one of the few places in the uk where you can park yer trident. in the past it had fighting men and ground to grow sheep to feed yer armies. once people had been cleared from it right enough. and loz isnt a cock. there's absolutely no reason for your ministers, unions, press to lie to you and propagate the scrounger myth. nope, not one reason a toll. nasty nasty nationalists.
Oil in U.K. waters fin, there is very little oil in Scotland's 12 mile territorial waters, just for accuracy you understand.
the day you do something purely for the sake of accuracy will be the first time thats ever happened. its been covered before. but, only by you?, better together didnt even try that one.. but we wont get bogged down by more of that. nasty natzi nationalism, i think brad talked about.
Are you saying that if scotland went independent then they would ignore the internationally agreed 12 territorial waters and sent their gunboats out into legally agreed and internationally recognised U.K. waters for a jolly up? You see fin, as angry as it makes any Scottish nationalist, I am quite correct, even to the point the gunboats are U.K. property Don't hate the player, hate the game
He often struggles with the Scottish NATIONAL party, he still thinks it's not nationalism the crazy fool.
i'm saying, your an old Essex man sitting in his Essex flat, probably with two computers in front of you, with two much time on your hands, trolling anyone that disagrees with you no matter the thread. you are not a maritime or constitutional expert. you are at best a second rate, retired hack, at best. . this is a topic thats as old as the hills. i am pretty sure the labour gov in the seventy's, the tory govs that followed, the SNP and supporters of indi are a tad better resourced and informed than your self. sometimes you just have to put faith in the "experts". you aint no expert. if there hadn't been a v,slim majority for brexit with a large majority for remain up here, we wouldn't even be having this convo. this is a mess of Westminsters making. they create the divisions in society. along with a lil help from the likes of yourself, a proud patriot. sincerely yours a nasty natzi nationalist.
no, just reaping what yer leaders, yer papers, all of em, the state broadcaster and ITV's words. word they use, set to repeat.
I wonder who had broken into my flat, I could smell damp moss but thought, naaahhh couldn't be. But fin, wasn't it you who said only a few days ago that the U.K. waters are in fact U.K waters and you put up a lovely crayon picture. Me having a different opinion to you is not trolling, me putting up information that is accurate and even by your own local council is not trolling either. I noticed whilst you attempt to remove my input by insult, you do not say the information I put forward, was incorrect This is true, sometimes I have used scottish government website and eu's own website information, neither can be seen as bastions of "fuck me we got it right" I agree, the brexiteers would not have had the arseole like some remainers and would not have asked for another vote within 5 minutes , something the snp has a habit of doing on democratic votes When we voted to go into the eec in 1975, we were told it ws a trade body and little else, it has been a constant thorn that needed to be removed. The best way, like the scottish indi vote, was a democratic vote. everyone took part in the hope their side was the majority and so gave the direction. No won was forced to vote, you voted if you wanted and the results were given. Those that then lose create the division and SOME of those go too far then blame others. That is why democratic votes work and no matter what the direction, they work better than any other process There is no doubt when you rant about nationalism fin, you are the only nationalist in that discussion. When brexit happens, the Scottish government will get extra powers they do not have because the eu has them, don't let anyone tell you the snp do not want brexit