Keeping threads on topic

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Lovely bit of squirrel...... is it hot in here? :wink:
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  2. Come on guys, you know what I'm going to say :smile:
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  3. Are we going to get told off for smoking behind the bike shed again?
  4. All I'm asking is that we honour the orginal title of the thread, which just for the record is from the owner of the forum, where he has asked us to keep things on topic. Yes, there is always a little leeway within posts which is why I have decided to 'nudge' things back in the correct direction. If you don't like that I'm sorry, but all I'm doing is what has been asked of me
  5. Just for the record Matt (and Rob) that Rob might have founded a great forum here, but neither of you own the members, without which there is no forum.

    Can't you see by your actions that this particular deviation in this particular thread will go on and on? Can't you see that the more you curb free flowing conversations, the less likely people are to post, for fear of being wronged for overstepping an imaginary line of what is an acceptable deviation and at what point it has deviated too far?

    Just's good to talk, without talk (activity) the forum goes the way of the others, if it goes the way of the others then so does the money Rob generates from the advertising etc. which after all, is why he set this forum up.

    I just hope too many people arn't put off posting because it might be in the wrong place or it might be the wrong time to joke or even the wrong place to joke in.

    Maybe the answer is to poll the members, who's knowledge and wit makes the forum what it is..............should the forum be as it was (friendly and full of banter) or one where people don't post because they're fearful it might in the wrong thread or heaven forbid be funny (where it could be heading).

    Feel free to move this post anywhere......suggestions and feedback thread more suitable? :wink:
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  6. Agreed with Anth - this was a thread about going off topic - what do you expect the comments to be - surely you can see that in the other 'rooms' there have been less issues ffs

    You'll be all alone behind the bike sheds because no one will want to play you anymore :rolleyes:
  7. Anybody remember that stuff you'd eat as a nipper ? Spanish Gold or something like that ,in a pack like a baccy pouch, I liked that I did, when I was watching Robinson Crusoe ,Whirley Birds and the Flashing Blade.
  8. Yeah!! Some weird coconut stringy shit, hated it! Liked banana splits tho ta la la la la la la la
  9. Or White Horses, Belle and Sebastien or some other dubbed show. By the way I watched Robinson Crusoe on DVD a few years back, save your memories, it doesn't make great viewing as an adult.
  10. What about,"The Terrible Ten"? that was a great show,Aussie made I think
  11. Champion the Wonderhorse, proper telly.
  12. Casey Jones anyone?
  13. Torchy the Battery Boy? Twizzle? Four Feather Falls?
  14. Sorry what was this thread about?

    Steve R[/QUOTE]
    Whatever you want it to be.....
  15. Stop going off Topic

    Topics remember those. :biggrin:
  16. OMG this is how I got into bikes via horses

    #97 Char, Feb 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  17. bikes via horses now what am i going find in my meat..................:biggrin:
  18. adhd-1.jpg

    • Like Like x 4
  19. Steamin' an' a rollin'
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