Motorway Bike (60 Mile Round Trip)

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by killjoy, Oct 21, 2018.

  1. Just buy the 1000ds....
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. I’m considering buying it myeslf!!
  3. ^ get in the "considering" queue ^ even @CRYSTALJOHN is in denial - second one for spares makes so much sense ;););)
  4. Its my DS that you are all not buying, I think I`m going to have to throw in a case of Cheesy Wotsits to get it sold.
    At the risk of hijacking the thread, I like to open the Wotists and then eat them a day or two later when they have gone chewy. Does anyone else do this ? Am I going to regret mentioning it in public ? Mrs Dukesox kindly buys them in 6 packs and opens them all before putting them in the cupboard. She is a good woman.
    #44 dukesox, Nov 6, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I was considering your offer and then you went all weird.

    Chewy Wotsits? You sicken me.

    Mrs Dukesox sounds nice.
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  6. Fugleys are fantastic bikes and for the money, great value and the one for sale looks a bit of a bargain to be honest
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Mrs Dukesox is nice but I suspect that you sir are a Luddite and have never sampled the cheesy delights of a chewy Wotsit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. You are correct Sir, and be assured, you will never be incorrect in that assertion. If a Luddite badge I must wear, I wear it with head held high.
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  9. Take the blinkers off man. All sorts of savoury delights out there if you broaden your culinary horizons. Chewy cheesy wotsits today microwaved peanut butter & marmite tomorrow. The world is your Lobster!
  10. Spare me your perversions, foul dwimmerlaik!

    Wait. Lobster, you say? Tell me about *lobster*.
  11. The best way to catch a lobster is to ride along the coast on an old air cooled Multistrada during the (lobster) mating season . AS you can see from the images below, they are very hard to tell apart. Once you have caught one get back to me for more details.


    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. A Mk1 Multi?

    So, these chewy Wotsits - two days is enough?
  13. 2 days is perfect. Try it Mr Luddite.
  14. Pfft. Well played fella ... but the Mk1, man. Low, really low.
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  15. Depends how much you want to pay, but I would look at 2nd hand African twin.

    Got to think of service costs as well.
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  16. C871ADA1-221D-4B45-8E17-37025E038000.jpeg The best way to catch a lobster is to ride along the coast on an old air cooled Multistrada during the (lobster) mating season . AS you can see from the images below, they are very hard to tell apart.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Lobsters have evolved to form social hierarchies.

    Mk1 Multis are so ugly, it hurts to look at them.

    I can tell the difference!
  18. latter edition tmax 500 or 530 ?? Solid, big, comfy, auto etc.

    I use a scooter for half that distance and its ideal and weather protection too.

    Plus its not a bike and doesnt make you not want to ride your actual bike(s) which is what can happen when you ride a hack bike all year round, ive been there and nearly gave up.
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