aby body fancy a project

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by motojohn, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. #1 motojohn, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013
  2. Nutty Nick will be all over these like a rash :wink:
  3. I'd already seen these, but not much use without motors! I've already got wheels and bodywork cluttering up one of my sheds! Nice for spares though.
  4. This lot includes a few bits I could use, plus a load of stuff I haven't got room for. On the whole I think I'll pass. Whoever buys it does not really have to use a genuine period Pantah engine as various later engines would fit - with some fangling.
  5. Later motors cause big frame issues, the rear pipe exits into a frame tube! I've looked into this in the past and decided against it.
  6. Yes indeed Nick, as you say. Some (slightly) later engines would fit, and some (or most) would not. £1,500 was quite a lot, wasn't it?
  7. About four times what I'd have paid!
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  8. just goes to show old shit sells
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  9. now i could go for that , would have to spray it RED though :upyeah:
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