Bump. Anyone else? So far, I think we have: Bradders +1 @t3scn +1 @Simon Audi @Bumpkin @comfysofa @razz @Ducbird @PerryL @Gunznbombz @simmytt +1 @Mac you still coming with Mrs Mac? @cookster ? So I am going to book a table for 12 tonight (and I know that’s 13 but there are some maybes). IF YOU CANT MAKE IT SAY SO! its a fairly small place, maybe 40 heads but not much more
The good thing about having a van chiz...don't need hotel geez, just an empty plastic bottle or bucket
just coz i talk like scum doesnt mean i wanna live like it!!! no, i like a nice bed, bath, bar and privacy...
Oops sorry I forgot your aristocracy based down south....I'm outside someone's house on their wifi when on here
ok,ive looked through thread again and i cant see exactly which restaurant was settled on or postcode... i know i know .its probably there in big bold writing but im tired of looking!!! so postcode would be good so i can check out hotels...
getting pissed quick is surely the best route, when I sit in a room and everybody starts talking motorbikes I feel thick cos I don't know anything seriously when someone starts talking about cams, and clutches and shit I drift off into thinking about pornhub and stuff, then 10 minutes later whoever stops waving there arms about and talking rocker covers, I'm trying my best not to look vacant but I just look vacant, pissed is the way forward at these events soon forget about motorbikes.
thank you very much for the offer and i hope you dont think me ungrateful in any way but id prefer to stay where i can burp, fart, snore and roll in drunk as a lord should i chose without upsetting anyone.. other than those that will be being paid to put up with me!!!