cycled 26 miles started around 5.30. At one point felt like back brake stuck on but after investigation under a streetlamp turned out to be a cat's eye jammed between brake and frame! rubbing on the wheel, had to take wheel off to remove it - and relax..
Mentioned earlier my dads like this so they give him a diazapan to take a few hours before, he also uses them eye covers like they give you on flights to shield your eyes so you can sleep.
i'm sorry to come over all spelling police - that 'll be Diazepam then? - previously Valium. Glad it helped for both your folks.
flights booked for a mates stage do in June and i've put it in the diary so she can't say she didn't know about it
ha... bloody 'auto suggest'. no he is not in the acting fraternity but i suspect he will be forced 'on stage' at some point.. Edit: they're a tasty bunch - i've segregated myself at the front of the plane and booked fast track security
I didn't want to be accused of being anti pamist and as I don't know anyone called Pan, I felt on safe ground
thought for the day.... If Benny and Björn from ABBA had been called Steve and Dave, they would have been known as ASDA.
Still processing my photos from Vietnam - think a job as a wedding photographer over there beckons.....
Great pics Groom is a lucky chap and love the builders (assume they are anyway) ppe on the second pic