No officer, I was naked below the waste with my knob out as I had been stung by a jellyfish and google said to pee on it, I accept that may seem odd given the sea is 55 miles away but it is the excuse I am sticking too
the stairway to success? i did notice the lil pillow on yer van seat btw, you aint fooling anyone. short arse.
yer man doesn't really stray into brexit much if ever but here goes
Rees Smugg can do one. He is a prick with views from past Centuries. Telling raped women they should keep any child from that event is not the views of someone fit to run the Country.
In theory, May steps down and a new Tory leader steps up. In practice, on this occasion ... I don't know. Does anyone want the job at this point in time?
This is like David Moyes taking on Man Utd after Alex Ferguson retired. Whoever takes on the job will be a scapegoat. IMO JRM & BoJo will be equally as incompetent and toothless as Theresa May. Changing leader does not change the fact there is no majority in the House of Commons for 'No Deal' or a hard Brexit.
The Tory Party leader is chosen by the Tory MPs, iirc. So yes, if the Tories are the government, the Tories choose the PM. In years gone by, the choosing of a new PM would trigger a GE so that the electorate can "ratify" the new PM but that doesn't seem to happen any more.
I thought that was the case. The way politicians are going next GE will see us go the way of America - vote for anyone as long as it’s not a politician. The EU thing has finally proved to me that they ( at least the ones in the public eye) are a waste of space.
Latest news from Dukey: Huge crowds of circa 15 million protest about Brexit and demand a second referendum outside Parliament today...
According to,"sources": At the cabinet meeting,civil servants were shouting down any ministers that questioned the document. A plane was standing by to whisk Raab to Brussels to shake hands with Barnier but the Brexit Minister refused to go. JRM has sent his no-confidence letter to the 1922 committee,and some are claiming that the 48 letters have now been received.(Previously there have been accusations the 48 letters were being,"sat on",until she delivered the results of the capitulation).
No hard brexiteer stands a chance in taking over from May, it is more likely to be a remainer like Hamond, then we're back to square one.