Does it matter if you shoes dont match your handbag or man bag?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Goody, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Man bags, Mens shoes and boots at special Ducati Forum prices if you care to let me know your requirements!
  2. Oh it matters steve. Ask any women, thats why we men spend hrs sat at the ladies changing rooms thinking " the first outfit looked fine"

    I once did fancy dress as a pink bunny girl, went the whole nine yrds. Went and bought a little pink handbag; now I understand, they are great for all your nick nacks, especially when you have no pockets. even went and got a sweet pair of pink boxer shorts. I pulled more women that night than I have dressed a bird than as a bloke.......not sure how to take that haha but fuck it was a good night. Guys if you u think its gay then u should try it some like a charm, chicks were all over me getting jealous of how good my legs looked in fish nets and then BAM "think my legs look good, check out my pink boxers" it was like the lynx adverts :upyeah:
  3. Can we get items through your good self?
  4. Of course PM me, Rockport shoes & boots, Storm Man Bags?
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  5. Any more items or a link? Nice shoes:smile:
  6. What about FMB's? Do they have to match underwear?
  7. surely the two should never be worn at the same time?
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  8. They are comfier than a comfy thing too. Owned by adidas they have adiprene technology in the soles, best shoes I have worn pound for pound.
  9. Of course ;-)
  10. I like a women in with black tights and white CFM shoes and if the handbag matches its a bonus. Just imagine us walking hand in hand me with my Frankie says arm the unemployed T shirt on, black farah's and ravel shoes (with the cold chain)
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  11. I'm confused now - who's wearing what?
  12. She would be wearing the tights to begin with. Then when we hit the bedroom I use them to do my bank robber impression pmsl
  13. I like a man bagless tbh

    Shoes just need to be clean and polished and socks should come off sooner rather than later

    Shirt with buttons always a treat if you can find a bloke who can do up unaided a bonus

    A nice watch without catchy bits but no further jewellery
  14. I prefer Char's answer :smile:
  15. Oh ET

    Semi naked is always nice
    A nice rear partially lacy and thigh high boots what more could you want
    A little imagination is always nicer to begin with
  16. You can show me when I see you :upyeah:
  17. I like a nice pair of high boots on a girl, not with much else either
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  18. You'll struggle to find Ravel shoes given that they closed all their shops. Wholesale supplier only now.
  19. Royum, I recently bought a very nice pair of Rockport trainers which have Adidas adiprene sole inserts.
    I am pleased with them.They are both stylish and very comfortable.
  20. What colour socks do you wear with them? :smile:
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