
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kev cornwall, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. no idea obviously if oscar pistorius killed his girlfreind , but my mother and 3 half brothers/sisters live in south africa, my mums just had the gun taken from her by the local police as shes over 65,but is common place to have a gun there for protection, the place really is a dangerous place to live and my mothers house has been broken in too twice in the last year , they all seem to live behind 8 ft barb wire fences, you dont stop at traffic lights else you get car jacked, when they have visited england in the last year, they find it bizarre to see the way we live and can park a car in your drive, over there, you would have no car or no wheels the next morning over there, break- ins seem to be a common thing over there , i have never been as my wife wont go, and my parents are both english but split in 1970 and she went to SA, so truely a mistake or not? i guess the only one who will truely know this is oscar
  2. I go to SA on business 3-4 times a year and travel all over. It's nothing like that.
    Yes there are hot spots where you don't stop at traffic lights at night, but on the whole it's very different to how you portray.

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  3. I don't recognise this Kev, maybe some parts of Joburg or in the townships, but not in general?
  4. Listening to the story today, there are loads of flaws in his story. But if you genuinely feel concermed for your life, do you behave rationally? No motive put forward by prosecution yet
  5. interesting, sisters in joburg, mums in centre of country ( burgersdorp), and others in capetown, know they would love to come here, my mother swapped nationality to get SA pension so has no british passport now, personally i would like to go, but from what we hear from family there, its no no from my wife
  6. 'To go' you mean just to visit? Get over there, it's a wonderful place, the cape is just amazing. If you meant to emigrate there, that takes more consideration, but it still is a great country with it's issues, but I'd describe the UK that way!
  7. Best holiday my other half and I had was South Africa - yes we stuck to the touristy bits (Cape Town, Garden Route, East Cape safari) but found genuinely warm and friendly people (not "I'm saying have a nice day because it's corporate policy that I must do so" but people genuinely wanting you to have an enjoyable visit), excellent value for money food and accommodation and loads to see and do. Of course there are rough areas, places you wouldn't go as a tourist, but the same's true of London or any other big city. Please don't be put off visiting South Africa!
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    #8 Dave, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  9. yep visit only lol, i live in the west country, is there anywhere else ; )
    just another quick note, in my teaching role i have had 3 ex SA who have left the country, and in my business role, prob same who came to here to live, all for the same concerns for the safety thing, but are proudly south african too, shame as it seems such a beautiful place
    #9 kev cornwall, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
  10. On the radio news today, evidence from court, loud row heard before gunshots.
  11. dont sound good for him eh
  12. Dunno, the shouting wasnt, exactly a neighbour: 600 m away on a large private estate?! And seems the copper was put under some pressure today....but why dress her and move her?! Bit odd tho, all this BEFoRE the trial.
  13. Surely it is common ground between the prosecution and the defence that Oscar Pistorius killed his girlfriend. What is in dispute is whether this was accidental or deliberate.
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  14. SA is an awesome place. Like most countries, there are areas in big cities to avoid. There are areas of London, Birmingham, Manchester etc. just as unsafe.
  15. From what I gather, OP is not denying the shooting, but the fact that it was premeditated.

    Is the issue about whether he knew who he was shooting (therefore deliberate) or thought it was an unidentified person up to no good (therefore accidental)?

    Is this therefore about the reason / motive behind the act, rather than the act itself?
  16. Whether he knew it was his g/friend or a burglar behind the door, he still deliberately shot 4 times at them without warning, murder in my book.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. What's the difference between Spurs and Oscar Pistorius?

    Spurs have Bale.
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  18. The latest Pistorius joke: The case for the prosecution.
  19. I know SA can be dangerous, well the press say so anyway, but agree with Dave; no warning or anything just shooting indiscrimenently surely equals murder
  20. In Britain, yes. In the US, no.
    In SA? We will find out, perhaps.
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