Does it matter if you shoes dont match your handbag or man bag?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Goody, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. yes yes yes indeed
  2. Friend of mine bought me a particularly versatile bag for my birthday. Just have to remember to clear it for work use after a weekend away!


  3. I should have said that I'll do you 30% off RRP on any of these brands (not just the styles shown) if you quote me your Ducati Forum User name with any order. You can PM me if you wish?
  4. Talking of mismatched foot wear
    l shall not name to protect the guitly LOL

    regards Steve B

  5. Lol omg what a load of bums :)

  6. Had the one in red - looks like Footy

    Gold HIll - nice views
  7. Well spotted Char!
  8. FFS I was enjoying that Hovis sandwich too!
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  9. Ooo I've been looking for a decent manbag for a while Royum...whatcha got?
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  10. not exactly luck I used to live there :biggrin:

    made it up there on a push bike once to - first and last time mind

  11. You have a PM, let me know if you want anything I don't have and I'll try our best to get it for you.
  12. did you have a loaf on board?
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  13. I wasnt pushing it lol
  14. The only thing worse than a man with a man bag is a man with a man bag and a pony tail.
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  15. Not a fan of piercings then?
  16. lol
  17. Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'Topiary'
  18. just to get this thread back on track there is picture of a bloke with odd shoes on page 2:smile:
  19. ...and a Hugh Jarse...
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