Actually hold on, I just found it in the indi thread Post 247, the person who posted that front page in this forum...was you fin
Classic fin, just classic. You introduce a nazi implied scottish front page of a scottish newspaper Then accuse others of doing it just to call them a nazi.....
He's the type of celebrity who, having made it and moved to Hawaii, is happy for socialism to equalise everything- as he will be immune to its effects. Remember - an ebbing tide lowers (nearly) all boats.
Who knows? I expect that the EU's antagonism and hostility to the UK makes staying in the UK unpalatable to folks who have a choice. You know - once we are safely back in the EU's harness.
LOL. Just stop. How about the latest development? The draft agreement the EU wrote, and which they agreed inside 38 minutes, which ties the UK to a backstop it cannot use, a "temporary" arrangement that the UK cannot unilaterally end without the use of said backstop and the fact that they are so embedded in the UK polittical establishment, no amount of pressure from the electorate can alter the sequence of events. This is 4D warfare and warfare is hostile. Please note, this hostility is not directed solely towards the UK, it is for any nation state that tries to exert any form of self-determination above a most superficial level. The examples are numerous and even bubbleboy-finm must be aware of them. I wish you'd get a clue, finderman, for your sanity's sake. Truly. Your provincialism and ABTFE mindset is holding you back in ways you cannot currently begin to fathom.
Loz, whilst I admire your determination to try and teach fin the articulations of life, I fear that cause is lost In the same time you have been trying to teach him, I have been talking to these fellows on Sentinel Island just off the bay of Bengal and they seem far more advanced and more open minded
You leave them folks alone, noobie. I have my hands full talking the Scottish down from the window ledge, I have no time to spare for them. Also - you aren't helping : o D
drivel. how can you not leave unilaterally? sovereignty? ken clark has bebunked that one already. why sign up to it in the first place? held a gun to your head did they? thats not hostilty, its called reality. next.
One of the green party for Germany this morning on the exit committee for the eu said, sure you could call it all off so we cancel brexit but we would probably charge you for all the work involved for brexit. He is German, they don't joke
fin is the only puddle you drop a pebble on the edge and it ripples inward, you have your work cut out