So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. i wouldnt of botherd to disguise my self.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. I have too much time on my pratting away with a road cone DSCN5210[1].JPG as you do:)
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  3. Watched sadly as the Ducati service crew loaded the Hyper into the back of emergency recovery van :sob: On the way home from a short ride yesterday, the dash lit up like a Christmas tree and started flashing. Error... Limped home, wouldn't go beyond about 3,500 rpm (can't tell exactly as there was no rev counter or speedo) got home, shut it down, left it sat for a couple of hours, tried starting. Nowt. Dead. Dash still doing the Christmas tree thing, but does not even turn over. The diagnostic unit does not recognize the bike... say 'turn on ignition' despite the Christmas effect. Hopefully can be repaired soon, best riding weather of the year and I am relegated to the scoot... :poop:
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  4. That's a damn shame,but must be a quick fiX for the garage with diagnostics equipment:upyeah:
  5. Santa arrived early !

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  6. Talked my lad thru making homemade chilli via home to find he added tomato puree (from a tube) rather than the pureed tomato (in a bottle in the fridge)

    edit. Now eaten, nice enough
    #49587 bradders, Nov 26, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
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  7. Looks to be gaining confidence with each shot.
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  8. He was beasting his poor Oset so the 80 is the next step but we are concentrating on getting the hang of the clutch and foot brake for the time being. He’s got a trial on the 8th but wants to use his Oset which is fair enough as it’s a huge step from electric to petrol.
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  9. Will you adopt me? :)
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  10. Strangely the diagnostic unit the tech brought with him somehow did not recognize the bike. All connected and powered up, bike's ignition on, the unit says "Turn on ignition". Disconnected everything, battery out, etc., reconnected all, same result. I suspect a new dash is the solution. Could get expensive... o_O

    Anyway, given it is my main mode of transport and my only real toy, I guess it is what it is... Hope to hear what's up with it today. If it needs a new dash it could be gone for a while as they will have to import one.
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  11. Working yesterday

    I’m amazed at the amount of old people who cannot get out of their cars or park near a pump or reverse
    Yesterday an old boy took 5 mins to get out of the driving seat then hung on to each door handle going around the car to then be helped by his wife to get the hose into the car she was as slow (they paid at pump)
    He then held on to the car and handles to get himself back in and then drove off without looking, in front of all the other cars waiting to get out
    Oblivious to the rest of the world
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Not sure if it's possibly similar but was warned by my MV dealer that turning on the ignition with the dash disconnected would result in something like that happening. Would strand me and require recovery to a dealer to have the dash plugged in and flashed to reinstall the firmware. Hope it doesn't require a new dash.

  13. Yes - should be an infirmity as well as eyesight and mental ability and reaction test to be able to drive or ride - every couple of years for all of us (so as not to age discriminate) - but the truth is that due to medical advancement - many are living longer.... and probably should not be driving.... for there sake and many other road users too...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. We
    The government should introduce mass culling as a spectator sport.
    Safer roads, ease up the housing market, quicker service at the supermarket, more air to breathe the list is endless when you weigh it up, and what a day out for all the family to enjoy, well except grandma and grandad of course.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  15. Bladerunner?
  16. Interesting, but in this case the dash was not / has not been disconnected, so really no idea what the issue is.
  17. No, Logans Run or Solylent Green.
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  18. I’m doing this :)

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