Well That’s Put A ‘damper’ On The Weekend ☹️

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jonathan Mark Vardy, Nov 25, 2018.

  1. No. They don’t compress a lot to be fair. But I have a big wobbly belly to press down with. Believe me, they do move a bit
    Both set to same air gap/same oil level.
  2. my 2002 ssie were fully adjustable on both sides.
  3. yeah see Arb's post. Some early and late ones were a bit different.
  4. I always ignore Haynes Manuals.....IMO they are crap.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. FFS post a pic of the forks, then I might be able to tell you what you have instead of guessing.

    I mean, what is the 'same dampening and preload' ? Damping and preload are entirely different things, so they can't be the same.?
  6. guessing op means same on both legs.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Have you tried winding the compression adjusters and rebound adjusters fully in ( clockwise). This would give the maximum damping the forks are capable of. Does this still result in no damping in one leg.

  8. Don't know about the others in this post, but I need to see which forks the OP has. At the moment I'm not even sure if they are Showas (unless he has seen it written on them) and the damping problem might be simply because he has Marzocchis with their 'split damping'.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. He did say Showa, either on this thread or his other. But video needed...
  10. if Marzocchi then will have an "M" as per left pic roughly half way up on inside. EDIT There are many differences of course and anyone who is familiar with both (thump yer chest if you feel like it/GYAFM) will be aware of - the only reason i mention looking for an 'M' or it's absence is because it's definitive and you only have to have one pair.

    #30 Chris, Nov 27, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
  11. The other clue is that the mudguard support lugs are different shape - Marzocchis are straight between the two holes, Showas have an indent between the holes.

    Marzocchis have positioning rings around the top of the outer shrouds as well.
  12. Not these forks. I’ll post an image and maybe a video if I can tonight. Cheers.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Yes, it doesn’t seem to make a difference on one leg. The other leg works as expected though. Dampening increase and decrease as you turn the adjusters clockwise.
  14. Yes. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
    I set the pre load, rebound dampening and compression dampening to the same on both legs for a comparison between them. The faulty one seems to have zero dampening. Just springy.
  15. It’s all I got atm.
  16. So you have two small screw adjusters on each fork leg?

    It is beginning to seem like you may have a valve seal gone - the one inside at the bottom of the fork leg sometimes referred to as the cartridge, but Ducati call it the damper tube.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Yes. Two small, flathead adjusters on each leg. One in the centre of the preload adjustment and the other down the bottom of the leg.

    With the top off the fork, I primed the damper and there was a good flow of oil, would that happen if the seal had gone? Sorry if that’s a noob question.

    Cheers for your reply.
  18. So - you have what are the fully adjustable Showas - IMO the best ones. Although the Marzocchis will work well if correctly set up (oil weight and springs etc).

    Pouring oil in at the top should go in anyway even if the valve in the damper tube had failed - there is a pair of small holes in the damper tube which should let oil in and out.

    Have you checked the iffy fork again to see if the correct amount of oil is there? - you may have possibly got an airlock. Did you measure out the correct amount of oil or just work by air gap dimension?

    When I stripped mine I found that both valve seals were faulty, so I had a specialist sort the valves out and overhaul the rest, tailored to suit my weight.
  19. Top and bottom adjuster screws?

    IIRC these are 2002 SSIE Showas. Top screw only.

    OEM Showa-Adjustable-Front-Forks.jpg
  20. Early Showas look like these which I have on my 900SS.
    My M900 has the MARZOCCHI version which I don't have any images of I'm afraid, but as has been said the giveaway is the mudguard bracket and of course the word SHOWA in raised letters instead of MARZOCCHI.

    Showa FF 1.jpg

    Showa FF 2.jpg

    Showa FF 3.jpg

    Showa FF 4.jpg
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