For Sale Ebay Bikes

Discussion in 'Ducati Bikes For Sale' started by Rob, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. It's not really a repost if it's listed again, and many wouldn't have seen it if you didn't :eyes:
  2. any one seen that 1198s on the bay, looks like an 848 to me
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  3. I'll leave mine up as a warning to others - he's got fekkin loads listed including Classic Ducati's!!!
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  4. Only trying to make a living:blush:;)
  5. @Robarano will have bought it already :eyes:
  6. o_O
  7. That post takes me to a lovely yacht in Greece. Not the same as I posted.
  8. Click on other items and read the spiel - it was a link to all his 100+ items, yours being one of them - but the other items disappear and throw any of his listing up for some reason when you link it... you might get a buy one get one free deal :thinkingface:
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  9. Yes:upyeah:but someone will shell out in the End.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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