Biking mate of mine was told off by his riding instructor for trying to lean the horse around corners. Heh.
They are intuitive a gentle nudge with the reins in the direction of turn and keep your feet squeezing the girth on the inside of the turn, simples.
Having worked with race horses its normally your head that touches down first fell off the same horse 3 times in 5 minutes - try doing that on a bike
It's a long way down from up there, I wear a back protector, the hats are not up to bike standards and there's no hip or leg protection really. A Harrington type jacket and Jodhpurs don't instill confidence either. OK, at speeds of 15mph for a canter and 30mph for a gallop it might not seem that fast, it scares you sh*tless when you come off though.
It's an even longer distance off topic now Falling off a horse is a piece of cake - then getting trampled by the following horses is not Being on a 300k 3 year old race horse while being bolted towards a main road has to be my scariest experience - there is no kill switch
I don't understand this. What exactly is stopping you from wearing on a horse the same protective clothing and helmet you wear on a bike?
You look a bit of tit with Desmosedici leathers and kit to protect you from 200bhp when you are on 1bhp!
The kit isn't to protect you from 200bhp, it's to protect you when you fall down and hit the ground. I think you look even more of tit wearing jodphurs and a pink jacket - but that doesn't seem to trouble some people.
OK so read that as the kit is to protect you from falling off at speeds delivered by 200bhp and not at those speeds delivered by 1bhp. Of course, it's not the speed or the falling off, it's more the rate of stopping that hurts! If you feel my daughter looks a tit then keep it to yourself or she'll nut ya!