How Do You Know When It’s That Time ....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by d8mok, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. To give up motorbikes......

    Wrote off my 1199 3 years ago by a 82 year old wiping me out. Didn’t think it bothered me but I found myself riding less and less.

    Not been on here for about 2 years now. Not even looked at bikes online. Didn’t know there was a V4 our etc.

    Managed 3000 miles in 3 years on my replacement panigale. 500 of those was in first weekend. Thinking of selling up but worried I might miss it.

    My default choice is to go out on pushbike now and my motorbike just sit.

    Anyone else sold up and regretted it?

    I’d sell both my monster and panigale and have a clean break if possible
  2. I don't have a car, haven't owned one since 2005. Between then and now, motorbikes have been the go to transport but with gaps. Over the last few years the physical side of things seems to be choosing my next bike, from sports bikes, to sports tourers then adventure to cope with an ever changing body and comfort or as some may say, to reduce discomfort.

    I've not long sold fugly as a buddy has been after it since I bought it but during it's ownership, I've noticed the quality of cage drivers has dropped dramatically, even worse since the mobile as many still text and drive.

    It's becoming to a point that just bike comfort isn't the deciding factor, the increases in near misses plays a part. I ride progressively but not stupidly and when the numbers of discomfort, body a bit fucked up and in pain and people wanting to kill me(not just from the forum:D) then I'm sure I will give up and regret it almost immediately.

    I think as long as I have something to keep my hands busy such as moving onto a classic car maybe, then I'll consider my bike days mostly happy ones and a very large happy chapter in my life's book. I'll probably buy another fat bike over the next few months to keep me going outside.
  3. That last sentence says to me that "it's time" - just depends on your financial situation.

    My bike has been sitting for over a year cos I need a hip replacement and knee surgery on same side. Prognosis is not great that I will have the movement necessary to ride a bike of the 1098S riding position post ops. But giving up sportsbikes is a thought that I can't contemplate (even at 51).
  4. Nah, with me until I can't climb on anymore :blush:
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  5. I haven’t ridden mine for about 18 months.
    Work / family coming first.

    I still like having it there, will work on it when I can ( and can afford the parts) , but even if I don’t ride it again for a while I know it’s there.

    Finances can play a big part.

    Sell one ?
    Then wait and see how you feel next summer ?
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  6. I’m no pyschoanalysboffin , been thinking the same. Could it be the time of year? I’ve sold up before and come back, keen to learn from (my) previous error.
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  7. Wow, hip and knee on same side. (Sorry d8mok, for digressing) but can I ask - is that from wear and tear, or an accident maybe?
  8. I’ve given
    It all up before and sold everything after breaking my back. Roadbikes all the gear leathers etc also sold my motocross gear and bikes after a 4 year hiatus and driving fast cars I got bored and started to sniff the fumes again.
    If your down about it just sell everything get a classic car then
    See how you go.
    It’s no crime to buy back in at a later stage.
    It you are only here once so do what the fuck you feel! I just got my pilots license this year cos I thought bollox to
    It let’s have some fun
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  9. If i can keep cocking the leg over like the dog does on the furniture.i'm there until i get that tap on the shoulder from the man in black;):upyeah:
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  10. wondered where you disappeared to! Difficult one, its easy to think you can live without them, they tend to seed wires into your veins. Its when you see the space where they used to be, then you start thinking, and before you know it youre looking at new ones every night on the internet.
    Ive always gone between bikes, pushers, and cars. Last car was 5 years ago now. Last time I rode my pusher was a year ago now! Maybe keep one just in case? I sold my RS250 2 years ago, regretted it for the last year. God why are we so fickle?
    Dont rush mate, winter always makes you think summer wont be back for a decade. :upyeah:
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  11. I find riding 45 mins for a cuppa and ridding home pretty dull. Mainly because if I rode like I want to I'd go to prison or the grave yard so I always have to hold back.

    Track days rock. I find getting the spanners out very therapeutic. New stuff through the post is always pleasant at a rather shallow materialistic level.

    There is more to bikes than just riding up and down the same A road for an hour on a Sunday morning or Tuesday night.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  12. Inland revenue you mean ? Lol
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  13. Catch me if you can or dare;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  14. Unless you really need the money or space why would you sell unless you are certain?

    I think many people think this way as is evidenced by all the garage/ barn find bikes forsale on ebay!
  15. Been riding bikes since I was 13, one major off at 19 resulting in being in a coma for a week, 3 cracked vertebrae, mashed collar bone and a partially severed finger but got back on a bike as soon as the surgical scars healed. I’m 65 in January and ride most days throughout the year (although temporarily on an enforced layoff for another month or so due to surgery) and I cannot remember a time when a bike has not been part of my life. I recognise that time is ticking but I’ll ride until I physically cannot or my riding guardian angel tells me that my riding is unsafe. I don’t envy you your decision but go with how you feel now, I’m guessing you have enough years ahead of you to change your mind. Andy
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  16. Ha ha ha I will be on the first plane back to oz if they show up
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Hip - several falls (one bad one) over the years has led to death of head of the femur as blood supply to it has stopped (avascular necrosis). Knee - same falls with previous removal of cartilage has meant bone on bone and consequent wear and deformation of joint. Falls were during 3 year racing venture - red mist + lack of talent.
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  18. Reserve a firstclass ticket for me too;):upyeah:
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  19. Hi guys. Thanks for the replies.

    To answer a few questions , no not in desperate need for the cash , or space in the garage. In fact that’s the bit that makes me feel uneasy. If I have a space in the garage it’ll give me a sad feeling , and the cash will just get frittered away. At least the bikes keep the cash safe kind of.

    I’ve done the car thing , and got to a similar point with that. Sold up and not regretted it about 7 years ago. I work in the motor trade so cars are just a everyday thing and I get a company car.

    The bit I don’t like is the service costs, and insurance etc. This would save me £1200 a year plus the 15k I’d get for selling both bikes.

    The times I’ve ridden this year I must say I have enjoyed it. I’ve done more local rides , and only in nice weather and it’s been good. However I’ve had to force myself to get out. Most of the time I just grab a pushbike or drive somewhere and go riding with the bike in the car and it doesn’t feel forced.

    I’m 34 now and feel more mortal than ever. Never had this before the accident.

    My other option is to try a different type of bike. Maybe a díavel or Harley.

    Selling up has been on my mind a while now but first time I’ve mentioned it to anyone for a opinion as if I ask my Mrs she will tell me to sell up.
  20. First class all the way cos there’s a bar upstairs lol. Pissed up for 23 hours. Pure bliss
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