Yeah but think of Mrs IS, you wouldn’t want to rubbed up & down with sandpaper would you? Anyway, WTF is that you found in the engine? I’m sure we’re all intrigued.
Mrs stallion Likes It Ruff. She uses a cat scratching pole As a lady special tool lol I don’t know wtf that bit is but all will become clear innocent I’ve got the liners out and cases split I’m sure
I got a taxi home from town yesterday evening. The driver said to me "I love my job, I own this car, I'm my own boss and NO ONE tells me what to do". I said "Turn left here mate".
Met 81 year old early stage dementia dad for breakfast this morning. Now last night I was talking to some chums in Thailand and Aus and the tv was on in the background as well as me being in here. Hellboy was the film on 5star channel and as it finished whilst not knowing what was on next, I heard a warning on the tv about some rudeness but didn't give it much thought Now, this morning as I'm sitting in the spoons eating my traditional breakfast my dad says, you know, I never knew what fisting was till last night, did you see that programme? Thankfully we were on a 4 person table and were sitting diagonal to each other otherwise me spitting my latte out would have covered him.
I am quite a serious person and love a good old fashioned pub debate. But it’s ridiculous right now. Just had a call to say the two cars I looked at are not available so no 435 for me. Being a fete-alist, not meant to be so carry on with the Vulva til next year
Don’t know why the people get so passionate and upset about brexit. The government and big businesses have always sold the brits down the river historically and brexit is no different. In or out will still never work for the working person. Establishment always wins unfortunately. Unless you have a French Revolution style cull of the aristocracy that is “ off with their heads”
Car back on, better colour and well spec’d for hardly any more cash Looks like the pimp mobile is coming...