So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. The last rideout of the year when i returned i removed the fairing only to find a oil leak,shock horror i thought it was a engine out/rebuild job:( but turned out to be the oil pressure switch that came DSCN5215[1].JPG loose,so i have been cleaning the rhs fairing:upyeah:
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  2. Today I delivered the wheels to Steve Turner for re-finishing. Its a long way to go (Devizes, Wiltshire), but he does an excellent job.
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  3. Pete,why didn't you use UPS the best courier company for this task:thinkingface:
  4. You know what they say.....If you don't use lose it;)
  5. I wanted to discuss the job with Steve Turner personally, make sure he understood what I want, and get him to tell me how much it will cost. I am getting him to send the finished wheels back to me by courier - so no need for me to drive down to Wiltshire again.
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  6. That makes sense now complete control of the job from start to finish,pictures when you take delivery please:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Became a labour front bencher

    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. She will be gone by the weekend,
  9. 3A608FE0-90E9-4DBB-8D2E-AD9259B36512.jpeg
    Bought this from gumtree for £40.
    £10 on bolt and fixings, welded the keep in place.
    Jobs a good one. :)
    • Like Like x 6
  10. Nice house for £40, well done! :):upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I thought it was the plastic chair, but well spotted Hexie. :bucktooth:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. I'm wondering what will happen when the bloke who owns the house comes home, and finds some complete stranger has welded a gate on his house
  13. Personally, I'd be amazed the somebody could weld to brick. o_O I can't, I wonder if it was gas-less? :thinkingface:
  14. 1066A82D-FA79-4341-9F7E-4BA93CC99A02.jpeg B207B6BC-1DA2-4B18-B6AD-331DFA10306C.jpeg
    Parked the bikes in the new bike shed for the first time now it’s finished and it actually stopped raining for a few hours so I could move them, oh joy, oh joy. :) There’s even space for another one (or two) just don’t tell SWMBO ;)
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  15. Bet that’s a nice feeling... need some
    Bikes now then
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. You will need to seal the floor (before you start installing everything that a proper garage needs or dumping everything from your old shed in there)- cue garage floor paint thread????
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  17. The shed threads inspired me to start building my workshop then I got carried away and decided to landscape the whole garden while I was at it.

    I've been working in a mud bath for the last few days but have made some good progress.
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  18. They used laughing gas
  19. Well I've been awake and up since 3am. Today is gonna be a riot.
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  20. What's going on?
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