It's not a question of value (although for me the answer is no), it's whether or not I think my mum would appreciate it, and I don't think she would.
I've got a few ideas, and I'll speak to my brothers and sister about arranging a get-together. That'll keep her happy for a while.
did the aircon in hilton? in park lane, mayfair, same as, behind the scenes awful, also wanted £70 per day parking, even thought was in the fixing stuff, rest was well posh, marble colliums etc, re; the ritz thing, know quite a few who have done it and really enjoyed it, older folk, me avoid london at all costs : ) job was 15 plus years ago!
Pie and Mash at proper Pie & mash shop Not very original but take her out for a nice lunch. Have you got lots of photos between you? If so why not make her an album I know a bit old fashioned but you can get some lovely ones and its always nice when you can go through it and have a laugh about times you had. Just a thought not expensive but it shows you made an effort. Doesn't have to be masses of photos either just some well chosen ones.
Now I don't want much But..... I have a Radley its black and understated and I do like diamonds but not just any