The last rideout of the year when i returned i removed the fairing only to find a oil leak,shock horror i thought it was a engine out/rebuild job but turned out to be the oil pressure switch that came loose,so i have been cleaning the rhs fairing
Today I delivered the wheels to Steve Turner for re-finishing. Its a long way to go (Devizes, Wiltshire), but he does an excellent job.
I wanted to discuss the job with Steve Turner personally, make sure he understood what I want, and get him to tell me how much it will cost. I am getting him to send the finished wheels back to me by courier - so no need for me to drive down to Wiltshire again.
That makes sense now complete control of the job from start to finish,pictures when you take delivery please
Bought this from gumtree for £40. £10 on bolt and fixings, welded the keep in place. Jobs a good one.
I'm wondering what will happen when the bloke who owns the house comes home, and finds some complete stranger has welded a gate on his house
Parked the bikes in the new bike shed for the first time now it’s finished and it actually stopped raining for a few hours so I could move them, oh joy, oh joy. There’s even space for another one (or two) just don’t tell SWMBO
You will need to seal the floor (before you start installing everything that a proper garage needs or dumping everything from your old shed in there)- cue garage floor paint thread????
The shed threads inspired me to start building my workshop then I got carried away and decided to landscape the whole garden while I was at it. I've been working in a mud bath for the last few days but have made some good progress.