Private Number Plate J77 Apd

Discussion in 'Non bike stuff for sale' started by Roadtrip, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. Yeh, not bad on a new tyre on a cold damp road having traveled less than 2 miles from home and about 3 corners and no roundabouts eh? Coolio :cool:
    You'd have done better mind with your training :thinkingface:
  2. It's hardly almost legal tbf :innocent:
  3. In readiness for Andy's next retort:

    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. and i had this lined up for you next...

    Screen Shot 2018-12-06 at 12.52.09.png

  5. I can't hear the music, but everyone is dancing around the hand bags.
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  6. no one asked you to fact are you up to dancing?;):mask:
  7. EB1BD72E-1F69-48F1-A913-78E651884BA0.jpeg
    Here’s a picture of me and the gf (French not Russian) dancing. Do I win a prize?
  8. Circa 1985? :thinkingface:
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  9. who previously owned that suit?
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  10. Bobby

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  11. Norman?
    Screen Shot 2018-12-06 at 20.51.41.png
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. He sat on my bike at the 1985 National Bike Show at Olympia - very funny fella
  13. who Joe?
  14. Yes, I think so, could have been Norman, can't quite tell with all the confusing photo's :thinkingface:
  15. It was actually just over a month ago, a photograph of an actual photo. We are a bit behind the curve high up in the mountains over here (fashion and technology)!
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