You sure its not just a merge; I've had a couple done and no one lets you know, just looks like theydisappeared
Fight The Man, cranker, don't let the bastards grind you down Or Don't be so rude in future. Delete as applicable...
see below. I couldnt give a flying if someone is rude or takes it out on someone else. It look like the OP has whinged about it the comments he received from a certain very blunt member nad has thrown his dummy otu of the window and whined like a ozzy in London with no money. Removal of a post within the St Nav thread Good morning. this is just a very quick email to let you know that after a member has complained about a post within this tread, not yours I hasten to add, I've had to do a little bit of tidying up to maintain the integrity of the forum I hope you understand. If you have any questions, please ask Matt
Bl**dy H*ll!!........Have we now got to treat everyone on the forum as though they work for the Council in case what we say offends them? AL.
It's not just the council you need to worry about? It's everywhere and I for one are fooking pissed off with it, you can't say boo! to a goose without someone taking the moral high ground, lets hope we don't have to defend this country from an invader? in this current climate of cotton wool, this is the scenario, "I say old chap please don't throw those nasty little bombs at us in case it offends pip pip"
Worlds go mad I blame the Welsh, Scottish, Gays, Blacks, Christians, Fatties, BMW drivers, Muslims, disabled, Honda riders, people with beards, white people, The French, Bankers, Homeless, Jews, Carlos Checca, Scousers, Skinny people the list goes on. Hope I have no offended anyone or Cranker does not go crying to the forum Police :biggrin:
You didn't mention either Stoner or Rossi. Surely you should have mentioned either Stoner or Rossi? Or both?