Nope The statement has been the same since day one, there will be a short term relighnment whilst we have to fund those organisations that are currently in the eu and will now have to be brought back in house. This will have a cost as will the short period of re-adjustment. That period is expected to be short. Even arch leavers know this whic is why most of their financial scaryness is based on short term predictions and the worst of those. But I have always said as have many, freedoms have a price and in this case, the short term cost will be worth the long term gain. This is supported by long term facts of our financial history, we have a dip, we rebuild and rise again. I have yet to see ANY economy that does not suffer these, brexit or not, unless old rider, you can show an economy that was created and never had a single dip and has only ever gone upwards?
I asked because at some point there must be a report of figures to support this or, it is just in house gossip surely?
i see plan B is part of project fear..... shits going to happen big time six month delays at ports.. why cant they say, if WTO is the deal of the day, we are going to do this at this port work with this at that port create this and do that...positive, instead of always trying to paint the shoit picture cause we wouldn't play with their ball!
It will be reported officially in company financial reports etc and Oil and Gas UK but I don't tend to look for these things so don't have a link. I do have access to the in-house figures but can't share that actual info for the usual reasons. Just backing finm's statement that he is talking the correct ball park figures
what the ferk is wrong with the uk Gov? what the actual fuck have you lot done to them?. our Gov offerd to pay the costs relating to EU citizens working in our public sectors, NHS ect setled status applications up front. now the UK Gov is stopping us doing that.
Listen to the erg if you wish, don't assume however that theirs is the only answer or input It's the same scare they used before the vote and then recycled around every 6 months. It's no surprise they are choosing to use it again just days before the vote in parliament. Funny thing is, they have also advised chemists, doctors and smaller local medical aid companies, NOT to stock up, go figure Understandable, but if fins seen them then something is public and that is why fin was asked could he share, he like most snp, aren't that great at sharing with the English
My first wife is Scottish and Daughter half Scottish so I'm able to see the difference between Scots and snp supporters. Apart from the constant frothing at the mouth whilst shouting "bastid tories in westminster" The snp supporters are so tight, even other Scots AND Yorkshire men call them tight.
snooz you loose. angry man. a wee hint tho, disagreeing with a rabid brexiteer is not a symptom of anger. its my duty.
Very funny. Very good (I mean this sincerely) I genuinely see your point. I think. Whatever it is. From a trade point of view, I can’t see it adding up that way - the nearest trade partner becoming poorer can’t be good. The dynamic of European trade changing And how long will the balance take (assuming the dynamic doesn’t destroy it) - it could be years and years. The country financially is already on its arse. And then under the umbrella of the quality of UK government at the reins of trade, the (almost?) impossibilities of leaving given Ireland, how treaties in general work (they govern everything between civilised nations). It’s a shit show.[/QUOTE] You asked, I delivered, now stop bitchin’
Jo Johnson himself set his resignation down as a point of principle against T.May’s deal. I suspected at the time and now that whatever planning does / doesn’t exist for border control, - Jo Johnson saw the writing on the wall and didn’t fancy it as his bag.
Or just give up! Just say, It is beyond the wit of man to unravel the knots we have tied ourselves in, it is time to surrender our fate to those who desperately wish to be in control of it. That would work, right? Give up and cry, Whatever you say, Jean-Claude. You look nice tonight, Jean-Claude. How do you want me, Jean-Claude? : o D