1200 Stained Chrome On Rear Shock

Discussion in 'Monster' started by dukenukem, Dec 7, 2018.

  1. Anyone else experienced this horrible discolouration of their rear shock?

    When I took possession of my Monster I was immediately paranoid about the metal stating nice and shiny and will diligently ACF-50 it after after ride.

    The whole of my bike’s chrome, fasteners, bolts etc are in perfect chrome glory condition, and Sod’s law the one thing I was paranoid about has sure enough gone nasty.

    Any fixes, suggestions for cleaning and prevention?


  2. Autosol is THE best metal/chrome polish and protect product I have used. With my old car restoration (chrome grilles, bumpers etc) I experimented with different products but this stood out and 30 years later I still swear by it. Googled it and I see your Halfords has it.
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  3. Thanks everclear - seems obvious, I was afraid the suspension bolt/whatever required something specific but yes Autosol, I even have some in the garage thank you. Wonder why it suddenly got so shot??!
  4. Don't forget that autosol is an abrasive so will remove any protection that is already there, (even though it's starting to fail).
  5. once cleaned, you could always use a shock sock to reduce the situation happening again.
  6. that's a new one on me - you'd think any 'sock' would just trap moisture :thinkingface:
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  7. No chrome on the shock or fasteners, it will be zinc plating, which is prone to discolouration

    Clean it up with autosol then apply something like ACF50
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  8. Thanks Monsterped, that makes a lot of sense because the staining is black which I have never seen on chrome so Zinc is a good call.

    It’s really disappointing, because I had been applying ACF50 very regularly, maybe I missed it after one ride which was sufficient to discolour it.

    On an earlier reply on Shock Socks ha, never heard of them but will investigate :)

    Also a pain that the discolouration is on the thread too, I am going to have to get a tiny brush for that and somehow apply the Autosol. Grrrrr.
  9. This assumes Ducati's are ridden mostly in the winter :D.
  10. ah, I see and mostly true
  11. Neither had I, then incidentally came across this. May be worth the investment if the discolouration is really an issue for you. :upyeah:

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