UK can cancel Brexit, says EU court So it’s official now. We CAN cancel Brexit. Thank goodness for that. ^ might as well put the 4th option in @Sam1199 ? certainly a consideration and will help to "zoom in" on how people are thinking.
We can't, the government can. Given this was a technical question and the U.K. government has said 3 times already it will not, it would be a very brave government to be the first in modern history, to overturn a majority peoples democratic vote and one so large. It would also be interesting to see in regards of the house of parliament, if they try and block the majority peoples democratic vote given every single one of them were appointed by a majority peoples democratic vote
Yeah I know, Imagine the Scottish fisherman laughing at your next election time, I bet they will be splitting their sides with laughter
i doubt it, hold an election tommorow, say good bye to a further 10-15 ununist ,MP's. anyhoo, east coast or west coast fisherman noob? what about the proccessers and their emplyees? the prossecing sector is way bigger than the interests of a few east cost fleet ownners. much of the time they just sold their quotas rather than fish themselves anyway.
I'm sure your right fin, no one in the Scottish fishing industry was looking forward to rebuilding a legacy for themselves, their children and their children's. You'll be fine at the next election, Nae worry
lets not forget that near half the quotas are owned by just 5 very wealthy families, much of the fleet will be staffed by *forigeners* . so fuck em. in the nicest possible way obviuosly. each and every scotish council and coinstituancy voted remain. the west coast fisherman with smaller boats will be delighted along with all the comunities that depend more heavily on the CU and SM. no oil industry on our side. yet.
When you say nearly half fin, are you saying nearly half or diane abbott nearly half? This would seem to suggest they own a third of the the fleet whilst two thirds are NOT in their hands
Honest fin don't worry, I'm sure no one will put that little nugget in the locker of future elections,
personaly i think the word immigrant has been hyjacked and its meaning turned into somthing completely different by you britnats. exe at it.
I get the strong feeling that there will never be an “after” Brexit, the topic going on to be more popular than Hovis spliced.
Rees Mogg suggested a second referendum would be a good idea!
Is that really true though, or only British MSM true? I haven't followed the link and won't be doing so.